Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wildest heel turns of all-time

I just finished watching Annakin Skywalker take a steel chair to Samuel L Jackson's character in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Syth and it got me thinking: was this the biggest heel turn of all-time? I know that when I heard that George Lucas was thinking about making the prequels to the Star Wars series, I was wondering how he was going to get Annakin to become Darth Vader. Sure enough, taking the proverbial steel chair to Samuel L Jackson (borrowing a WWF reference there) was probably the ONLY way that could have happened.

But was it the best heel turn of all-time? What were the best heel turns ever? Thank goodness Sportsbyfletch is ON IT!

In countdown order, the top 15 heel turns (when a good guy does something to turn into a bad guy. As they say in wrestling, they turn from a Face to a Heel.)

15. Dr. James Wilson turns House in to Tritter. In season 3, Det. Tritter is trying to find dirt on Greg House MD and he finally learns that it was Wilson's prescription pad that was being used to get House drugs. After Wilson's financials are frozen, he goes to Tritter seeking his pieces of silver. He gets House arrested and put into a rehab program, forcing Cuddy to lie under oath.

14. Tubby Smith sells his soul to go to Kentucky. Tubby had a pretty nice little thing working at UGA. He and his wife were happy in Athens. His son was on the team with another son ready to play college ball. Then Pitino left for Boston and Tubby headed for Bluer Grass. Yes, he won an NCAA title, but UK fans will forever claim that was with Pitino's players. Tubby could never achieve that success with his "own" players and his son Saul was mocked mercilessly throughout his time in Lexington. Tubby finally left for Minnesota and seems happier up there. Don't you even THINK of coming back to Athens this offseason Tubby. Your name is MUD here!

13. Jack Kelly crosses the newsboy strike-line to work for "Old Joe" Pulitzer. Old Joe got JK out of the boys home and put some money into Jack's pocket. He even made him break Davey's heart. True Jack doesn't stay heel for long, but it was awkward there for a while.

12. Heidi stabs LC in the back for Spencer. Heidi, IMO wanted to break free of LC's shadow and used Spencer as the excuse (much like Spencer used her for the limelight), but it broke LC's heart to lose her BFF that we never saw in Season one of Laguna Beach. Heidi let Spencer leak a sex tape as well as rumors of Herpes. Possibly in season 6 the two will mend those broken fences, but as of RIGHT NOW, they are Still bitter enemies. And since it is LC's show (and even though she was the hypocrite about the whole thing) she is the good gal and Heidi is the heel.

11. Nick Saban to Miami then to Alabama. This is interesting, because to everyone that is NOT an LSU fan, Saban is just money-hungry. He just wanted to see if he could hack it in the NFL-he couldn't-so then he decided to come back to the college game. Bama gave him a deal for $4 a year, so why not? LSU people for some people HATED that this guy won them a title then set them up to win another a few years later. Yeah, what a JERK Saban is for winning you a title in 2003-04 then leaving the cupboard stocked for YET ANOTHER title in 2007-08. JERK! Wait.....and as for Miami Dolphins fans, you guys still upset with Sparano in charge? Playoffs last year. No LSU is really upset because their AD hired Les Miles. Be mad at yourself!

10. Jason Giambi takes the money. Moneyball was working in Oakland and Giambi had just won an MVP (Steroids maybe) but he up and bolted for the money of Oakland, had to cut his beard and hair and was never anything close to what he was in Oakland. Well maybe because he stopped juicing... But he was a maverick that turned corporate. He stabbed Oakland in the back, but he has a chance to make amends. The stink of the Evil Empire remains however.

9. Johnny Damon joins the Evil Empire. Speaking of people joining the Yankees...Baseball's Jesus stuntdouble was MR. REDSOX when he took extra money and turned his back on the Red Sox Nation. he was forced to cut his trademark hair as well as his beard and now Yankees fans are waiting for his albatross contract to end. He cannot go back to the RedSox either because of how he left. He could have been a Boston icon along side Papi, Bird and Orr, but he chased the money and ruined his legacy. (This would lead to an entire new argument over whether the Red Sox could be considered good guys.)

8.Thomas Berger (Christian Bale) blows the whistle on the Swing Kids. He used to be ONE of these kids, then he joined the Nazis and was brainwashed. He was indirectly responsible for the limping guitar's suicide, then he finally fought with his best friend and got him sent to a concentration camp. WOW. What a douche! THEY WERE JUST DANCING CHRISTIAN BALE!

7. Shawn Michaels throws Marty Jannetty through the Barber Shop window. The Rockers were having troubles, but NO ONE saw Shawn throwing Marty through the windown. NO ONE! He turned into The BoyToy with Scary Sherry. He would become a face again, but don't tell Marty that. Jannetty never again was anything in the WWF. HBK would go on to become a top 10 WWF wrestler of all-time, but this heel turn scarred me and was a major turning point in my teenage life. (Well not really, but it did teach me not to trust wrestlers.)

6. Hulk Hogan turns Hollywood with the nWo. I remember going to see the Hulkster at WWF House events with my father. Hulk was MR. WWF, then not only did he go to WCW, but he became a bad guy. WOW. True it extended his career by 6 years, but that was just shocking when it happened. He took that can of spray paint out and took it to Macho, then DDP, then Sting. Gives me shivers.

5. Benedict Arnold ditches America for Jolly Old England. Loyalist. Whatever. How could England trust this guy who turned his back on his own country? I know I wouldn't want him on my team. He sells out his fellow countrymen and I think he'll be a great general and GGTK for my country? If he was so good, the you KNOW Washington would have kept him aboard.

4. Capt Wilkins (The Patriot) throws the torch on his own town's church. I know he said that anybody that stands against England deserves to die a traitor's death, but YOU JUST KILLED YOUR TOWN! So it you were a part of the victorious English side when the War ended, WHERE WOULD YOU HAVE GONE HOME TO? Yeah, that's right, to the place YOU BURNED DOWN! Good job Capt. Wilkins. You did NOT think THAT one through. (Come to think of it, when you lost, did you head back to England? Did you go to Canada? Mexico?

3. George Washington stands up for America and dumps England, the country he fought for in the French & Indian war. WE as AMERICANS wouldn't think of him as a heel, but to England, he's a heel. He was a great General in the victorious F&I War. In fact, when the American Colonies were talking about breaking away, I am sure England thought, "Well, we've got Washington over there to help us out. He knows the terrain over there." BUT NO! George not only fought for America, but he went on to be the first president. You can just picture King George fuming on his throne. "Damn that Washington!" He was born in America, yes, but you'd have thought, if your British, that you would have had Washington in the fold. Maybe they should have tried to turn HIM instead of Arnold. OH WELL.

2 Annakin turns on the Jedi. Dude, the galaxy's balance of power shift COMPLETELY. The Republic became the Empire because of this guy. he literally changed the power of the Universe. This guy was supposed to bring balance to the force, and I guess he did when he overthrew the Emperor to reunite with his son's cause, but he was the reason the Empire took off. He created the Death Star, he could choke people with his mind. That black suit was super intimidating. He TRIED TO KILL HIS OWN DAUGHTER AND SON. SEVERAL TIMES EACH! Vader's turn also sent Yoda and Obi Wan into exile. That planet Tattooi looked like a wasteland and Yoda's only entertainment was lifting planes out of the swamp. FUN TIMES.

1. Judas turns in Jesus. Enough said.

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