Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Midweek entertainment report 2/10/10

Ellen settles in on Idol, It really IS the Deadliest catch, get ready for letters to the editor and what is UP with the legal system in America?

Ladies and gentlemen, the midweek entertainment report!

Smattering of applause.

I missed it last night, but Ellen made her debut as a new judge on Idol. I'll watch tonight. I am just waiting for some one to get mad at her judgment and say, "yeah, but you're gay!" I'll have more to say tomorrow after I've seen her in action.

SBF apologizes in advance for the jokes we are about to unload on this topic. Phil Harris of Discovery Channel fame passed away yesterday. I guess it really WAS the Deadliest catch! So a bunch of crabs didn't kill him, but a stroke did? rename the show to NOT QUITE the deadliest catch, unless STROKE is what he is catching. Will the show continue? Does anyone watch? Do we even get The Discovery Channel?

Brooklyn Decker is going to grace the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. I saw the cover. Pretty neat that they are going 80s style with flirty instead of raw seduction. I like it. Playful it you will. But unfortunately we will have to hear ALL ABOUT how people are going to cancel their subscription because this isn't sports, blah blah blah. They've only been doing the swimsuit issue for 40 years (give or take). Did you JUST NOW figure it out? And PS for as each person that CANCELS her subscription, SI probably gets 12 dudes to sign up. Just saying. SI could TOTALLY get the letters to stop as well if they just stopped printing them in the Letters to the Editor section. Seriously. Stop giving the lunatic fringe the attention that they are seeking. They'll go away. Oh, maybe the same people that yelled about SI's putting a skier in her skiing position on the cover will yell about this too. Hey N.O.W., we aren't listening! Just so you guys know.

Finally, what is up with the American Legal system? First Tiger Woods delays talking to the Florida State Highway Patrol investigators for 4 days and now Lil Wayne has his New York sentencing put off until March because he wants to get some dental work done before he goes to prison. (insert Prison dental work joke here. Wait, perhaps that WAS the joke!) Really? His excuse: his dentist was out of the country doing charity work and Lil Wayne wants this work done before he goes to prison for one year. REALLY? No offense to DDSes out there, but couldn't Lil Wayne have just gone to ANY OTHER DENTIST to have a cavity filled or whatever needs to be done? SERIOUSLY. Honestly. Come on. If I was a judge, I'd have said, "um No. You are getting sentenced RIGHT NOW. Dental work is NOT a good enough excuse. Go to jail NOW. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200. Do not get a tooth capped."

Thanks and have a great rest of the week!

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