Friday, February 19, 2010

My quick two cents on Tiger and his "talk" today

I will start by saying that I did not watch nor listen to Tiger Woods' 13 minute address to the (limited) press earlier today. Why would I? Do I need to see him apologize to his wife? NO! And neither should the rest of the press.

I'm ready for people to quit worrying about Tiger Woods' private life and focus on his golf. Seriously. Stop guys.

And before you call me a Tiger-apologist, I'm not. I just am smart enough to know that he isn't a role model; he is a golfer. Anybody who has a kid and wants him/her to grow up to be like an athlete needs to punch him/herself in the face. Your kids should want to grow up to be like you, at least the good parts of you. Set the proper example for them. Don't rely on athletes to do so. They don't care about your kids. YOU SHOULD.

Anyways, i don't care that he cheated on his wife. Why should that affect my view of him as a golfer. He is an incredible golfer and apparently a bad husband. You can be a fan of someone's ON THE COURT/FIELD/COURSE/ICE performance and yet still not like them off the field. I think a lot of Falcons fans felt that way about MV7 back in the day.

But why should the fact that he cheated on his wife really matter when it comes to him sinking a 6-ft putt. I was not really a fan of his before last Thanksgiving unless he was on the Ryder Cup team, and I likely won't be afterwards (because I like other golfers more. Anthony Kim and Phil) but why in the world does it matter what kind of person he is? Honestly?

1 comment:

Pauly M (much cooler than D!) said...

It was about as good as it will get from TW. He hit all the points he needed to hit.
Publically at least it does seem as if he has some desire to stay in his marriage and if that’s actually the case… wow dude you did a lot of "not thinking."