Thursday, February 25, 2010

Shamu looking to move on up

As we all remember, whales are in the top ten of the dominance scale, well below No.1 humans, but still dangerous in the top ten. Humans are the Kansas of the Animal word while whales are more like the Villanova of the animal world: scary come tourney time and can knock off higher ranked teams they matchup well with, but ultimately with a fatal flaw. In a whale's case, "killer" in the water against a drunk and/or unarmed person but SOL out of water.

Well Cinderella struck yesterday as Shamu killed a trainer by pulling the trainer underwater down in Florida before drowning her. Apparently this is not the first time this Shamu has killed, once knocking off a drunk dude that sneaked into the tank for a drunken midnight swim.

Well, chalk one up to the whale in this situation. Hey, every now and then Davidson knocks off Kansas in the Elite 8...

But seriously here, this doesn't really move the whales up on the dominance scale. Let's remember that it was a human that put the Shamu in the tank to begin with. And odds are, the humans could strike back if they wanted to...with a harpoon or by simply NOT feeding him. Yeah, this whale depends on humans in order to live. The humans don't depend on the whale. Let's be serious here. We put HIM into the tank for our entertainment.

Just saying.....Humans still rule on the dominance scale. Even Kansas lost to Tennessee....

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