Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is sad is that apparently the state needs these

Have you heard the messages from the Georgia Meth campaign (or anti-Meth, i guess it should be)?

In one, a teenager cries because she got her friend hooked on meth and the friend then died and the friend's boyfriend blames the first girl.

In another, a girl feels her teeth breaking while chewing gum and her eyelashes fall out.

In another, a guy hits his pregger girlfriend (not wife, mind you. His girlfriend)

In another, a guy steals a motorcycle and crashes it and wishes he had died.

In another, a guy talks about how he doesn't remember a bunch of stuff.

In another, a Gainesville chick (Georgia, not Florida) talks about how she broke into her parents' and grandparents' houses to steal money to buy meth.

All of them end "sadly" with people wondering why they ever got into meth. They issue a warning that meth is bad news. Ummmm, did you really need to TRY METH TO FIGURE THAT OUT?

I would not put anything into my body that some white-trash hillbilly risked blowing his trailer up to make. Sorry, that isn't happening.

Why are people doing this stuff? So you can get high for 10 minutes before your teeth start falling out?! Cool, I don't have teeth or hair, but I was high for 7 whole minutes!

The sad thing is that people are doing this stuff. And someone feels the need to make these commercials. I should feel sorry for the people, but I usually end up laughing at them. How stupid can you be to do meth?

Make THIS your commercial!

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