Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The "critics'" pick? Huh?

I saw where "Rotten Tomatoes" has named "Ratatouille" as the Golden Tomato Award winner for best movie of 2007. Apparently this on-line movie site scours the net and finds which movies get the critics' best reviews. To which I say, NO KIDDING. This is a kids movie. Do you REALLY think people are going to rail on this movie with no VIOLENCE or SEX or NASTY LANGUAGE? No. You know why? It's a kids movie. The fact that this website "Rotten Tomatoes" is give a KIDS movie the movie of the year award, is just stupid. Oh, Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, sorry...we went back and decided to give the award to Beauty and the Beast. Sorry about that.

This just irks me to no end. I don't think we should reward and honor kids movies like they do in Hollywood. Shrek2 or 3 broke the box office record for opening weekend numbers, WHY? Because EVERY parent in the world can take their kid to a kids movie to shut them up for 2 hours. Of course the movie is going to make money. Usually there is only one option for kids movies at the theater, so of course it is going to make a ton of money. I think these movies should be put into their own category and not counted against regular films. The fact that Hannah Montana has sold more records than real artists such as Finger 11 or Sara Bareilles is crap. AGAIN, there is only one option out there. They own a monopoly on the market.
Put the kids' stuff in its own category. Or better yet, make it so kid singers can't win anything until they turn 16, minimum.

That falls under my other rule: Children under the age of 16 shouldn't be allowed to speak in movies or TV shows until they are 16. They also should NOT be allowed to be featured as anything more than scenery until 16. Once you turn 16, then you conceivably COULD add something to the show or movie by talking, but not before then. Honestly, we have found ALL of the humor we possibly can with little kids, everything now is simply recycling old ideas. And I hate that. Be original. New comedy is always good. The Cosby Show's Rudy got too old, so they randomly brought in Olivia, just so Cosby could have a little kid again. Instead of trying to come up with original material for the comedic-genius that is Bill Cosby, they just brought back the old scripts and hoped no one noticed. WE DID!

Listen, I have nothing against children (Except when they run wild on airplanes, in restaurants, movie theaters, grocery stores, etc) but let's get real. The world is run by adults and the kids stuff should stick to Nickledeon (if that is even still on the air) and stay out of the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys, etc. Rotten Tomatoes, if you start a trend where the new Sponge Bob Square Pants movie wins the Academy Award for Movie of the year over a really good Ron Howard or Ridley Scott movie, I will be PISSED.
PS, Rotten Tomatoes' credibility, if it still has any following Ratatouille, also gave Michael Moore an award for best Documentary for his "Sicko" So you can see that Rotten Tomatoes is REALLY a source for naming great movies. Oh, and No Country for Old Men also won for best thriller. I am not sure if that movie ALSO won for "Movie that falls apart fastest at the end," of if I am Legend took that crown.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just imagine how many fewer people would be in rehab right now if they weren't allowed to be child stars ;)