Tuesday, May 12, 2009

House and the Hills...can mondays GET any better?

On my first full night back from Cabo, I was treated to House going absolutely crazy then Justin Bobby going absolutely crazy. When I watched JB going off on Audrina about sleeping in Brody's bed, it was as though I was watching a replay of House, only Justin Bobby never realized that HE HAD BROKEN UP WITH AUDRINA! Much like House thought he had slept with Cuddy, (Which apparently he didn't, he just halluced that one....disappointing), Justin apparently never realized that he had broken it off with Audrina.

And PS Bro, when you DO break up, that person YOU DUMP is allowed to seek the company of other people. Just saying. I laughed at Beyonce when she came out with that single ladies song, but apparently it is true. Some guys DO care that the chick they dumped has moved on. WOW. Sorry Beyonce. My bad on that one. I just thought you were crazy and self-obsessed. Nevermind.

Speaking of stupid, hey Heidi, way to actually respond to the 15minute-seeking bartender after she texted you. How does she even have your cell number? Oh, that's right, the writers gave it to her. I will side with Heidi when she asks why this chick is texting spencer, who has a girlfriend. Then the bartender has the gall to say, "You should trust him!" Ummmm, stupid bartender, YOU KEEP CALLING HIM! And don't say that you didn't know he had a girlfriend. It is freaking Spencer Pratt! You know he does. Heidi kept calling her a slut, but she isn't a sexslut, but a fame-whore, willing to do whatever to get on tv.

Keeping on the topic of stupid, I can see why LC is leaving the show. She cannot work with the She-Pratt character anymore. Could the writers have made her ANY stoopider? Seriously? If the writers just thought for a second about what they were doing and how far they were pushing our willing suspension of disbelief, they'd realize they made a mistake in making her THAT dumb. NO WAY she gets that job. Just saying.....

But I still like the show. At least stuff is happening again, unlike last season.

As far as House, that show is also ending on a hot note. The last 4 episodes have been really entertaining. I am seriously going to miss the show over the summer. While I could care less about House going to a pencilbox factory, I want to see if Cuddy is going to go visit him and get Huddy on FOR REAL. But if Fox and the writers keep stringing this thing out like they do with Bones and Booth, I might get pissy quick. OR I wonder if they are going to play it out that House is back after three months of psych treatment. Hmmmm.
My final points are to BOTH shows' writers, could we please come up with some original ideas. The Speidi fights and the House dream sequences are getting a bit tired. My only complaints. Very disappointed that Huddy didn't happen. Maybe someday....

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