Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Midweek Entertainment Report 10/28/09

Jay-Z refuses to join the AARP, Paul Haggis is a quitter, Andre Agassi is a rebel, Whitney meets the Parents, and Kristin gives JB yet another chance.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present for your approval, the Midweek Entertainment report!

A Light smattering of applause.

The World Series kicks off tonight, and apparently the often-retired-yet-still-always-coming-back Jay-Z will perform his new song Empire State of Mind. Jay-Z is big with all of the New York teams but he really likes the Yankees, especially when they are good. I haven't really heard any Jay-Z songs since his Black Album. Maybe I'll give a listen, but then I would be reminded that either the Yankees or the Phillies are going to be World Champs. Crud...

Crash director Paul Haggis has quit the Scientology church because of the church's stance on gay marriage. Apparently the church doesn't approve, which is weird because the Scientology church has quite a large number of famous Hollywood types as members and those guys tend to be in favor of gay marriage. Just strange. Kudos Mr. Haggis for pulling a Matt and leaving the church over your beliefs. Judge not lest ye be judged.

Andre Agassi admitted in his new book that he used to do Crystal Meth. I always knew he was a rebel, but a redneck too?

Last night on The City, Whitney met Freddie's daddy at dinner. Freddie brought his father along to meet Whitney, because, hey, I guess you should ALWAYS introduce your parents to someone you've been dating for 2 dates. And Freddie, pre-school called, they want the name back. And lastly on The City, Jay was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT to call Whitney out for bringing Freddie to Jay's place. I know Adam and his alien girlfriend invited her, but that is JAY'S house too...

Finally, on The Hills, Kristin and Stacie the bartender decide to throw another party (well, the writers decided, because, well, they need everyone to get together, and they've already done Frankie AND Brody's birthday) and Justin Bobby decides that he is going to pretend to blow off Kristin. Sorry Boo, strike two. What? What does that even mean? When did Justin Bobby start saying Boo? Is it in honor of halloween? Is Boo Italian? Well he shows up and Kristin decides once again to forgive him. WOW, she really HAS turned into audrina...And She-Pratt (who looks great with the nose job!) and Heidi try and give Holly an intervention, which had as much a chance of working as Heidi does (wait for it...OK, you just got the joke) but it didn't work. SHOCKER. And Holly flips the bird as she leaves, laughing. Hey director, maybe you should have tried another take. Just a suggestion.

Have a great rest of the week. and The Ruins tonight....very exciting. Wes v Cahutta...I wonder if the producers are going to fix the challenges like they have in the past. Is the ruins between Wes and Cahutta a steroids test? Then Wes would lose....but that's it.

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