Monday, February 18, 2008

Hemochromatosis - look into it.

I found this article on the web while tooling around like I usually do. This is the disease that claimed my dad and maybe he could have let on that he was in more pain, but he thought it was just kidney problems that he had had seemingly forever. Just putting this out there because I had never heard of it before. Just be on the lookout I guess. Hemocrhomatosis is aka'ed the "Broze diabetes." Gives the skin a sort of bronze look.

Hemochromatosis is a common inherited illness. Our bodies have a gauge that measures how much iron we absorb daily. People with hemochromatosis don't have one. They absorb way too much iron. The excess is deposited in organs. If nothing is done, the iron wreaks havoc with these organs.

In the liver, it causes cirrhosis. In the heart, it can bring on heart failure. In the pancreas, it causes diabetes. It gives the skin a bronzed tinge. In joints,it leads to arthritis. When the illness is discovered early and treated, none of this happens.

Both parents contribute a gene to this illness. If only one parent has the gene, affected off-spring aren't at risk of organ destruction;they're carriers but do not suffer major consequences.

The easiest treatment is to periodically remove blood. Dietary changes don't have to be made, and medicines don't have to be taken.

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