Friday, February 29, 2008

What to do with an extra day?

I always get excited for the Vernal Equinox. An extra hour to do WHATEVER you want on a random fall Saturday night/Sunday morning. I remember The Adventures of Pete and Pete when the elder Pete kissed Ellen while sitting on top of the car at the drivein. Yep. That was pretty cool (too bad that show killed everyone's career. Except for Little Pete who starred in the first Mighty Ducks film, but not the second two. Oh, yeah he appeared on All That....).
But that is just an extra hour of watching football highlights or drinking/partying or whatever.
Once every four years you get Leap Year and Leap DAY. THAT'S TODAY. I feel like I get a free day of rent (except for the fact that the month is still only 29 days instead of 30 or 31, so actually, I only LOSE one day, instead of two, but let's move on)
YEP, a free day. Too bad this isn't a national holiday. Would it REALLY be that bad to declare this a national holiday? It is once every four years?! Come on. We observe Columbus Day which honors a guy that couldn't find where he was going. We honor this dude EVERY year. Leap Year is once every FOUR years. And this year, it happened to fall on a Friday. We could have had a three day weekend. It would have been cool.
But moving on....what to do with this extra day. Should you do something you wouldn't normally do? Should you go skydiving? Learn to play the flute? Eat at Medieval Times?
Or should you just take it easy and chillax on your extra day. After work go and hit up a happy hour or something?
Or should you follow in the footsteps of Pete and kiss your Ellen.

I say live like there is only one of these days every four years. Do something new, fresh and fun! Have a ball.
Or go to a birthday party for someone that was born on this day. It has been four freaking years since his/her last birthday. Buy them a phat present. They deserve it. It is finally their day.

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