Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mid-week entertainment report

Happy Boxing Day everybody! If you didn't get what you wanted yesterday for Christmas, just Box it up, take it back, get store credit and get what you DO what.
Now then....ON to the entertainment report. I won't be as mean since it is STILL the holiday season.

I saw where Danielle Fishel aka Topanga from Boy Meets World was arrested late last week on a drunken driving warrant from Los Angeles County. Apparently Fishel was arrested last Thursday morning 5 a.m. after officers stopped a car she was in, this according to Newport Beach Sgt. James Rocker. She was released from jail shortly after her arrest. The real question is, what was she doing driving around semi-DUI at 5 am? Was she on the way home on a "drive of shame?" Or is it a case of "Beer: It's not just for breakfast anymore?"
Fishel spent more than seven years playing Topanga, at first Corey's weird girl classmate, then his girlfriend after she sprouted tah-tahs. Seriously she used to be a freak-o. You CAN'T tell me that the writers saw the story arc of the freak TOTALLY stop being a freak only to turn out MORE normal that Corey? And what happened to Meekus?
I didn't realize until I saw IMDB that the show lasted that long. It really should have been Boy Met World, Turned into a wussy Man and only THEN Did we Stop the Show. The Show was a little long and it was a stretch to bring back Mr. Feeney to teach at college. Interesting, the guy's teaching degree was good from 5th grade, through high school, through college? Interesting.
Lastly, Matt Lawrence as Shawn Hunter's HALF brother? And the ever-so-popular apperances by Big Van Vader REALLY made the show worth watching. Ben Savage, you sir, are NO Fred Savage!

So the LOST cast gets off the island this season? That is if the writers' strike ends, right? Kind of defeats the purpose of the show doesn't it? I guess I will now use the joke everyone uses to shootdown my show PrisonBreak, I guess they aren’t LOST anymore! How can they be lost back home? And FMI.........if a plane goes down, doesn't whatever airline send out another plane to look for it? I just don't get it.

So Jay-Z is stepping down from his post at Def Jams. To be honest, I didn't know he ever had a position there. And I thought he retired from "the rap game?" I love his stuff, so I hope he doesn't (the Black Album was great) but this guy has retired more times than Tu-Pac has died.

Tomorrow we'll have up the Newport Harbor blog and of course Part 2 of the Music year in review. Happy Boxing Day Everybody

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