Thursday, December 20, 2007

Newport Harbor-It's no one's fault-EXPECT YOURS!

Several problems with last night's Newport Harbor.
#1 When Chrissy has the audicity to blame Clay for his showing up and ruining her makeout session with Billy. As I said last week, Clay is much better looking, but I think all his head is is a pretty face and a hat rack. Billy may not be as attractive, but if he has a personality, then THAT is why Chrissy is picking him. But anywhoooooooo Chrissy says, "I wish you would have called first. Things would have been different." Do you mean you wouldn't have been sucking some other dude's face? And she tries to put it off on Clay. Then after they break up she says "Well, it's nobody's fault." Ummmm YOU Were the one making out with someone else, thus breaking his heart. Pretty sure it is YOUR fault.

#2 when Clay sees Chrissy making out, he leaves and makes Grant leave too. They leave and go sleep in Clay's car (a Vibe btw...come on. you drive a Vibe?) at the beach. Clay, because his maybegirlfriend was making out with someone else, he had to ruin GRANT's Night. As I said last week, Grant has entered Nicky Fisk status, so you KNOW he could have been elbow deep in women at that party, but Clay had to be a little tool. Oh well.

#3 Grant make move past Nicky Fisk level into an entirely new level before long. Grant tells Clay he would bounce then delete the number on the way home. He is looking out for his boy, EVEN after his boy ruined his night. He says being single is the way to be...remember this was the guy that delivered Clay a boatful of women after Chrissy left for school. He then calls Clay pathetic for taking Chrissy's call. Grant is becoming pantheon material here. Dare I say he and RW:S Isaac are going neck and neck for Reality Star of the year? I. THINK. SO.

#4 Did you see the UCSB campus. I love Athens and everything, but that was RIGHT on the water. How cool would it be to study for an Econ exam while on the beach? And those dorm rooms were a LOT nicer than Creswell's. It looks like they were maybe an old hotel, converted into dorms. That is sweet.

#5 Previews for next week look awesome when Chrissy's Uppance COMES. SHE broke up with Clay for Billy Boy and it looks like Clay is about to get with Taylor and Chrissy will have to watch. NICE. You go guy-with-no-personality. As Roomie stated last week, it looks like, IF Taylor and Clay get together, that could POTENTIALLY be the hottest reality couple EVER. I tend to agree. But Grant with ANYONE would be the coolest ever. JUST SO WE ALL KNOW.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the view is awesome from UCSB, but in the show, the campus they film is actually Santa Barbara City College.

Unknown said...

Yea, I thought that was hilarious when Chrissy said "its no one's fault". If she had caught Clay making out with someone, she would have been like "it's so your fault".

Anonymous said...

yeah it was definetely chrissy's fault. but i dont know what ur talking about Clay having no personality. Plus Chrissy cheated with Chase and then cheated with Billy. Clay WALKED in on them and she says it's no one's fault. She's trying to be little miss innocent.