Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sports thoughts from December 13

The Mitchell Report came out today and several big names were on the list of past steroid users. But the bad thing is.....the general public doesn't care about this. Seriously. This is a story that the major media cares about but average sports fan reading the articles and listening to the radio shows and watching tv, THEY DON'T CARE. THEY REALLY DON'T. Baseball is dead. Sorry baseball, but you AREN'T the national past-time anymore. Football is. Shoot I think I'd rather watch arena league football than a Tampa Bay Rays/Kansas City Royals game. Gimme a break. Unless you live in Boston or New York you just don't care about it. And why does Boston really care? The answer: they don't. They have the Patriots now. The only reason the Yankees fans care and the Mets fans care is because, well come on....are you going to root for the Jets? No. The Giants and Eli Manning? No. Boston just won the 2007 World Series and it was hardly a blip. They won in 2004 and that was big. Not so much this year. Baseball is donezo. On to Football!

Speaking of football..........I am a HUGE UGA fan (since I went there) and I I love that they are in the Sugar Bowl. But no one is breaking down the sUGAr bowl. So I will. But let me start by saying the national media knows the only game that matters is the BCS championship game. Despite what Sporting News says, there will NOT be a split championship this year. There would ONLY have been one if UGA had played USC in the Rose Bowl and LSU had won by a> FG in OT or something. Or if UGA had played Oklahoma, or OU had played USC. But alas, they know the only bowl worth talking about is LSU/tOSU. Now a quick break down of the Sugar Bowl "Can Colt Brennan put up those numbers against an SEC D?" And can Hawaii get the Georgia running game off the field long enough to put Colt back into the game?" I say no. I like the little story that is Hawaii, but come on. Let's get real here. Boise State last year and West VA the year before takes Hawaii's cover away. Georgia will be ready, in the black unis, and Colt will wish he was still in jail opposed to under Geno Atkins and Dannell Ellerbe and Rennie Curran.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I thought you said the national pasttime was women's basketball?