Thursday, December 27, 2007

Newport Harbor-Thanksgiving Episode

As the episode began, apparently Chrissy is pretty popular with her sor-whore crew at UCSB....or maybe these girls just want to be on TV. Honestly, does she think she is THAT popular, or IS it the TV cameras following her around? She has people wanting to come home with her for Thanksgiving...I mean MY parents would understand that instead of visiting with family I am so shallow I want to be on TV for 8 seconds as Fletcher "Chrissy's Friend". Yeah. That would fly over REALLY well with the FAM.

Then we see that Grant and Clay are discussing a party where Grant says Clay needs to get out there with two or three or more girls. Grant though looked a little rough though with the scruffy beard and the tips....he MAY want to shave at some point. Neckbeard was beginning. That isn't cool.

One final Billy/Chrissy encounter takes place before the two leave for Holiday and Billy suggests that if Chrissy "can get away, come on up to San Jose." Let's see...that's only a 5 hour trip. Yeah, Chrissy, if you have a spare 5 hours to just "get away" maybe you could hop on a plane and go for a visit. Can some one tell Billy that the max distance to "get away" is 45 minutes tops. That is IT. 5 hours?

Next we see Taylor and some girl "friend" getting makeup put on them while they are talking and Taylor is chewing gum. If I was the makeup apply-person I would have told her #1 spit the gum out #2 can you not wait 50 seconds to have this conversation? I bet it is hard to apply eyeliner and other forms of makeup while you are CHEWING GUM AND TALKING

As dinner approached apparently ALL of UCSB came to Chrissy's house to eat Thanksgiving dinner and as the girls go around the table to say what they are thankful for, Sasha doesn't give thanks for her Boob job. Interesting.

So Grant and Clay are BBQ-ing and later hanging in the hot tub when Taylor and friend come over. Like a Persian King, Grant claps his hands, demands that Tay and friend change into swimsuits, AND IT HAPPENS! If I tried this with any of my friends, I'd get the finger. Grant, I am sorry I told you to shave. Whatever you are doing is working. Keep it up.

Allie and her fat friend she only keeps around to boost her self esteem are talking on camera for 20 seconds, with Allie talking for 15 seconds (approximate) and she drops 18 "like"s. That is more than 1 per second! She had 7 in one sentence. Wait, if you use 7 "like"s in one sentence, is it still a sentence?

As the climax party scene is on its way, we see Grant(in a nice scarf according to the bride to be) and Clay talking about girls from all sorts of schools going to be there. Clay doesn't really seem interested in any of them, until Chrissy shows up, in which case he is ALL over them. And Chrissy gets pissed because she obvie still likes him. Sasha has to remind her that SHE was the one that broke up with HIM. (but it was really no one's fault)

ALso in this episode was a stupid story line about how Chase really likes Chrissy's sor-whore sister and he travels to the Whale's Vagina (San Diego) to meet her parents. Note to Chase: when Dad asks you want you want to do with your life...DON'T SAY, "I HAVE NO IDEA." Maybe get a plan together. Or JUST PLAIN LIE. TELL HIM SOMETHING! And I guess they finally break up? Maybe? were they together? Like I said, STUPID STORY LINE.

So Chrissy realizes that she still likes Clay, probably only because Billy (whom Grant called a douche-why did I EVER doubt Grant?) isn't there. He is waiting for Chrissy to drop in from 5 hours away.

In next week's episode it looks like Chrissy will try and get Clay back? I guess she hasn't seen Billy and his Justin-Bobby hood in a while, so she like Clay. I was hoping that maybe Clay and Taylor or Allie would get together so we can just watch them on a date sit in silence ala Jason and LC on the Hills.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Grant IS still the coolest, but he was looking like hell in that episode. Did he have eye makeup on?