Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Midweek Entertainment report 7/1/09

The BFFs go to jail, the King of Pop dies, Is the Real World donezo?, and NYC Prep is starting to bother me....

Ladies and gentlemen, the midweek entertainment report!


Before we begin today's MWER, let's have a moment of silence for Michael Jackson (Emanuel Lewis, ssshhhh!) The King of Pop is dead, but long live the new King, Justin Timberlake. Wifey and I were discussing the death of MJ on the plane out to Arizona last Thursday and we were thinking that this was the first big WORLD death since Lady Di. I tried to argue that Heath Ledger was big, but then the more I thought about it, Ledger is more of a second tier when compared to Jackson. Anna Nicole Smith and Nicole Brown Simpson were third tier. I couldn't come up with one that impacted the WORLD the way that Lady Di's did. As tarnished as his rep got with the whole "child petting" thing, he was a global icon. I stopped being a fan after the fourth nose job-or was it the fifth?-but I can still respect the impact he had on music. And THIS will be the last I ever mention the death because it is time to move on. His will is straight forward so let's just move on.

Paris Hilton's BFFs visited the slammer last night so they could get a taste of what Paris went through for 27 days. I thought it was hal-larry-ous when the cops burst thru the mansion door, pushed aside Mike Onch (who looks more and more like a girl. Has she/he had the surgery yet?) and got the girls and two dudes out of bed. Tiniecia was funny when she said, "The Po-lease ALWAYS want to arrest you..." What? Personal problems there?
The biggest shocker was the Caitlin aka Crier girl says she felt like crying when the cops came, but she DID NOT! Huh? Coming in a close second was Stephen saying that he wouldn't like jail. WHAT? Yes you would Stevie!
Stefanie never cried and in fact LOVED THE FOOD in jail because as she says "I was homeless once. At least here we have a bed and a roof over our heads." Rrrright, but you are still IN JAIL WITH A CHANCE TO GET SHEEVED.
Was anyone surprised when Paris asked if anyone had ever been to jail and Desirae admitted she had been? Just checking... Speaking of Dezi, what is a pec-tor-e-al muscle? Crier girl and Nicole went home. That's a shame. I'll give up Nicole since it got crier girl eliminated. Elena-my pick-won pet and I think she's got a real shot at this. But so does Stephen. That is fun.

NYC Prep, featuring Stephen's boyfriend PC aired last night and I am afraid that this show may go the way of SouthLAnd for me. I was really expecting good things, but this show just stinks. Maybe it is because it is on Bravo? I dunno. Sebass is dating and "hooking up" with two girls-both ugly FYI, and PC is seeing a therapist. Boring. I want a little bit of Hills drama here. But I guess they would have to write the script then. The best part of the Episode was the final promo for when the VO guy asked, "Do you want to look like your favorite stars from NYC Prep?" and both Wifey and I made the same joke of "No, I don't want to have reconstructive surgery, widening my eye sockets!" Creepy. I've rubbed off on her. (GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER!)

Finally, we have Bronne screaming, "Why are people fighting? We're in Cancun!" on tonight's episode. Ahhhh Bronne, the voice of reason.
How much though do you think MTV is BANKING on this cast and season? The franchise hasn't had a good run since Key West when you had Johnny Bananas and Svetlana becoming the best guy and girl roommates in history, Tyler rewriting the book on gay roommate, Paula going CRAZY and Johanna starring in personal relations? Denver was enh, Austin was OK, Sydney was Turrbull save Isaac, Hollywood was CRAP with a capital s-h-i-t-e, and Brooklyn was the Chet Show, and even that was like he was the tallest midget. He was good by default. MTV needs Cancun to do well because RW isn't the #1 show on MTV anymore. The Hills is now. Speidi is the #1 character, TRW is getting left behind by even the challenges. Is it too many other shows like Survivor and Big Brother? Possibly. If Cancun fails, then can we PLEASE just put Kenny, Evan, Big Easy, Ev and maybe some of the other FreshMeat from the challenges into a house? COME ON. We'd love that!

That's it everybody. Have a great rest of the week. No Blog Friday because, it is JULY 3, and that's ALMOST A HOLIDAY!

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