Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Midweek Entertainment report 7/29/09

Marissa stretches her acting ability ;), Paul Mac weighs in on Mischa Barton's hospital visit, PC is TOTALLY bi-making him cool...,Paris makes a yooge mistake, Reggie Bush's work gets in the way (wait, I thought he sucked at RB?) and K-Fed got fat.........

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Midweek Entertainment report!


In case you've missed the endless promos on The CW, (and if you have, why aren't you watching gossip girl reruns?), Mischa Barton is stretching her acting cred and playing a pill-popping supermodel in the new series The Beautiful Life. Wow. Apparently she has expanded her acting chops to more than just "wounded deer look" and "confused" (kind of like how Zoolander had Blue Steel and Latigra). I hear her contract calls for her to say, "Haaaaaay" at least once an episode. Basically, in TBL, she will be playing HERSELF. And she is also reprising her role as Marissa in the upcoming movie YOU and I, where Marissa will be a lezbinen with Shantel VanSanten.
I would say it is a shame that Olivia Wilde wasn't involved in this movie, but then I realized that 13/Alex/Olivia has left skidmarks ON Marissa/Mischa. Wilde is Maxim's Hottest Chick of the Summer and appearing on FHM and pretty much every other guy's magazine. She really got the better end of their relationship from The OC. You have to think that Shantel is hoping she can hook up with Marissa and take the same career arc Wilde did. Mischa might be the anti-Adam Sandler in terms of helping v hurting co-stars. (Sandler seems to kill the buzz of all of his female co-stars, maybe Mischa can help to boost all of hers?) I am betting that if Schwartz could do it over again, he would have had Marissa move away and kept Alex as part of the gang. Ohhhh Hindsight.
PS, apparently Marissa was method acting for her new role and was released from the Hospital. SBF's Paul Mac was at the scene (not really, but he wanted to weigh in)

Mischa Barton out of the hospital and headed back to work…. I guess the OC royalty checks lasted all of 3.5 years. That said, I think we still get a gold star for calling this one way back when. I mean she’s not acting in this new role, she’s reprising her life.
Thanks Paul!

Speaking of spoiled kids, NYC Prep was on last night and the kids went to fashion week. PC was pissed that he wasn't in the front row on one of the shows and Jessie told him he wasn't even a girl so why should he care? HOW SEXIST JESS! PC is cool, not because he's a bisexual, but he's a bisexual and he is cool. (Thanks, Taylor. That was a direct quote from her, FYI...) Lastly, I will have to call PC out on his brining three guests as he was a guest of a guest. (I think I followed Jessie's logic.) He KNEW it would get Jessie in trouble, but he did it anyways. Why would he do that? Wait....did NYC Prep hire some of The Hills old writers?

Paris Hilton made a HUGE mistake last night as she ditched Stephen in her quest to find a new BFF. I realize that the show is scripted and the contestants aren't really like that, but Tiniceia cannot win. With her mouth and her willingness to fight cannot do that on the red carpet. I think that Stefanie [sic] takes it because you heard Paris's real voice with Stefanie[sic] around and not with "Nicie." But Nicie does look nice in the finale and does Paris's sightline give away that Sweet T wins? I MUST KNOW....But honestly, you KNOW Stephen would have been the best call out of those three. Alas.

Have you seen pix of K-Fed recently? He got Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
Speaking of FAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, I missed Fat Bachlor last night, aka More To Love on Fox. I had been SO excited about that show. Too bad Fox put it on during NYC Prep. WHY? What was on last night at 8 o'clock? NOTHING. MOVE IT FOX! (I realize it might be heavy....) And another thing, what is it with FaTV these days? More to Love, Dance your @$$ off...when did Fat become the new skinny? And Wifey takes offense to the promos for More to Love. "Real Women are size 18-20" Umm, so Wifey is fake? Neither she nor I get that.

Finally (and speaking of fat..ass) Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush broke up because reportedly Kim didn't like that she never saw Reggie, "Because he is in New Orleans, like, 6 months a year.) Yeah, it's called a job. Maybe you should look into one? But don't worry, Bush won't be in the NFL that much longer because he is OVERRATED! I guess Kim will just have to go back to starring on E! and living off her dead father's money and Bruce Jenner's money....(Wait, does Bruce have any? Does Skating with Celebrities pay that much?)

Thanks everybody, have a great rest of the week!

1 comment:

SBF Editors said...

Oops, Anonymous's comment was deleted once again by a blogspot glitch.

Let's sum it up...

"I like to eat EasyMac before I go LARPing. What? You don't know what LARPing is? Ha!-snort. It's Live Action Role Play. You didn't know that? Last night I was Link and I saved Zelda from Gannon! Thank goodness I found the Master Sword!"

Or something close to that....