Monday, December 21, 2009

Russell was robbed.

No doubt about it. I was watching the Survivor Samoa finale last night with Wifey and we were PUMPED when Russell mastermined the elimination of Brett and Jaison then win the final jury questioning when he laid out his plan and how he accomplished it. Really he won the questioning when Natalie forgot to point out that she was the one that started the Galu downfall by talking the rest of Galu into voting out the strongest male in Erik.
Yep Russell, who was LOYAL to Nat and Mick (something that Galu forgot about when they called him a backstabber and unfaithful), who found three immunity idols (including two without clues), who won the final immunity challenge to ensure that the final three was all Foa Foa, who used up Shambo to get his mission accomplished and then threw her out like a tissue just like he did with Johnny and Dave, who played perhaps TOO good of a game because everyone was pissed at him for doing so.
Yep, I feel that the Galu jury was angry that their Russell passed out and was taken from the game while Foa's Russell took the odds from down 8-4 and came out up 4-1 then 3-0. I get the feeling that the Galu's final measure of revenge was to decide before the vote that Erik, Kelly, Laura, Dave, Monica and Brett would all vote for Natalie to moreorless screw over Russell. Shambo and Jaison gave Russell their votes (likely) and with that, the undeserving Natalie beat the dominating Russell.

Now Wifey will argue that the correct person won because whomever wins played the best game, but I disagree. Those folks that play these games are bitter about losing and take things WAY too personally. If they had stepped back, like America did, they could have seen that Russell was the player of the season and should have taken home the title of Sole Survivor. Wifey argued that Nat played the Social game better and I think that is crap. Nat probably did, but the no one has EVER played a better strategic game than the one that Russell did and if the outplayed and outwitted and outlasted could have put aside the fact that they WERE outplayed and outwitted then Russell would have won.

I liken it to the way Tim Tebow should have left Florida with three Heisman trophies. (Or Herschel Walker, though when he was playing, I was either NOT born or an infant) Tebow was a part-time player in 2006 when, WITHOUT him, his team doesn't win the BCS title, then as a sophomore, he DOES win the Heisman as MOST OUTSTANDING PLAYER in COLLEGE FOOTBALL. As a junior, he received the most votes, but people in the southwest decided to screw him over by putting him third or fourth on their ballots even though he PROVED he was better than Bradford when the two played. This year, are you REALLY telling me that Mark Ingram was better than Tebow? Even with the injury, Tebow was disgustingly good all throughout his college career and easily the most dominating and outstanding (and this is a Georgia guy saying this).

Tebow didn't win the Heisman though because of fatigue; Russell didn't win because of jealousy. The Galu jury was jealous that he outplayed them all, made all of the moves they didn't and overall was the BEST PLAYER IN SURVIVOR history.

Perhaps Russell will get his revenge in Survivor 20: Villains v Heroes. I remember in the last All-Star Survivor, Colby, (who I would say was the greatest Survivor player ever before Russell came along. He was unstoppable in the challenges) was blindsided early because everyone knew he'd be a threat. Russell, if he's in the game, and he SHOULD BE, will have to have eyes in the back of his head to win it. The thing with Russell though, I wouldn't be surprised to see if he doesn't evolve his game and takes the All-Star game home. In my opinion (as I've said before) he's already the greatest Survivor player ever, but if he takes home the next season, it is time to put him up there in the Hall of Fame for ALL of Reality TV stars.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I whole heartedly agree. Since when was 'Survivor' about being sweet? I don't normally get keyed up about a TV show, but I was in shock when Natalie 'won'! Pure shock! In my mind, all Russell had to do was not get voted out, get to the final 3 and he'd be handed the million. There has never been anyone that I was so sure about winning. This was a slap in the face. And from a group of morons.

Take Russell's brilliance aside. Forget that he was clearly the best player on this season, if not ever. Forget all of that. What will we remember this season best for? We'll remember those responsible for THE WORST SURVIVOR BEHAVIOR. This was THE LAMEST, most self-centered, sanctimonious, boring, immature Survivor jury in the history of the game! That was their contribution to the show.

Had they heard of the show? Was it explained to them? Did they realize that people back stab and lie in this GAME? Hurt feelings have nothing to do with who the best player was! They would have to do the same thing to their 'best buddies' eventually. You can't take 8 people with you. No one had a problem voting off those that went before them! Were they "deceived" by Russell? He played the GAME! Survivor is a GAME.

Russell is the poster boy for 'outwit'. He didn't come to be in a communal love fest.

Utter ignorance on that jury and like Russell said, they have no respect for the show. Russell was robbed plain and simple. Worst jury ever plain and simple. They were so hurt and shocked that someone outplayed them. Some one lied to them. So they give it to Natalie and say f-u to the whole purpose of the show. F-u to the fans. F-u to 'Survivor'.

What was it with Natalie saying she gave up so much to be on the show?!?!? Uh, lots of people compromise a lot more to be on the show. Who in the hell is going to NOT hire poor Natalie?! When were pretty blonds with instant recognition so damning for any company?

Okay so I think my comment is as long as your post! Thanks for letting me put in my two cents.