Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thoughts on 2009

I know this is cliched and all, but I wanted to look back at the year that was in 2009.

I guess you really cannot talk about the year of 2009 without first bringing up the B-man. That's right. Bronne. He introduced himself to all of his Cancun roomies as Bronne, like the paper towel, but spelled differently. You really cannot top that. Seriously. The guy was into Zombies, pranks and he got kicked out of the hotel because he threw a fire extinguisher off of the balcony. Then he called his two beyotch roomies Hitler and Stalin. FINALLY someone told Ayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia what she was. (PS, I CERTAINLY hope Ayiiiiiiiiia doesn't decide to join the Challenges. PLEASE NO!) The season started out with me thinking that Joey would be the coolest Real Worlder ever and then Bronne TOTALLY stole the show. Amazing comeback. He was like JT last season on Survivor when everyone thought Tyson would rule, but after being voted out (or kicked out like Joey was) JT started rolling and quickly became everyone's Fav. Bronne showed his chops late like JT (in yelling at Ayiiiii like JT when he won the challenges) did and Bronne ended up winning my adoration like JT did.

Oh, you thought I meant Obama. Well 2009 will certainly be remembered for him too.
Let's move on before a random reader thinks that I am bashing the prez by talking about Georgia Public Broadcasting. (Hey LOSER, if you are reading this again, stop. Thanks)

Chris Brown made news this year when he beat up Rihanna. Good work there Doublemint gum dude. At least your song made it onto the Office. I will NEVER watch another one of the OC episodes from Season 4 with you in it again!

Speaking of people getting the crap beaten out of them, Tiger Woods.....COME ON DOWN! Elin hit you, reportedly with a 9-iron after she found your phone with a few texts on it. You made a quick trip over to Troy/McNamara's Phoenix branch and now your face is back to normal so you're hitting up club scenes with who-ah No.1. Really? Dude you are about to lose more than the $75M I suggested you give Elin if you keep this up. Write your wife a check and get her the heck to Europe. Just wait for the divorce to be official. The ink doesn't have to be dry, just official. All I'm saying. For the kids..........

New Moon came out in theaters and my crazy tween-apparently wife decided to go a see it on opening weekend. Awesome. PS, she's on Team Edward.
Speaking of Wifey, she also joined Facebook and had her photo as one with Nick Sparks aka the guy that wrote the Notebook and its 6 sequels under the pretended notion that they are different books, BUT THEY ARE THE SAME BOOK! Girl meets boy, they fall in love, something separates them, they get back together somehow, someone gets sick and they are separated forever but they will ALWAYS love each other. WE GET IT! NEW PLOT PLEASE

George Clooney and Matt Damon made the same movie and Clooney then decided to make 6 others and is nominated for a Golden Globe, even though the movie isn't out yet and no one has seen it. But, let's believe his agent. Word is, he isn't donating one of the movies' salary to solve the Darfur crisis. He'd rather just yell at me to do so.

99X is BACK! Sweet. And without a morning show, so I get MUSIC all day. Nice to have Weezer, Cake and White Stipes back-to-back-to-back on a random Monday Morning.

Evan was a beast on the challenges. He won over 200Gs this year by being on MTV and winning the Ruins and The Duel2. So interesting that a person can win that much money these days by hanging with TJ Lavin. I should have majored in THAT at Georgia. But also, hats off to Cahutta for lasting as long as he did and taking out the roided out Wes. Also, Sara and Kellyanne both look like they'll be beasts for females in the future. If they remain on the challengers, it will take a Ev or Ruthie or Kina to knock them out

Now we get to the best show currently on TV. No, not Mad Men (which seems to be getting a little better. That show was great, then after it won all of the awards and people started watching, it changed for the worse as the writers/producers maybe tried to scare off everyone new to keep the core audience? Maybe) but Jersey Shore. Awesome awesome awesome. Cannot get enough of this show. Vinny, Pauly D, Ronnie, Sammi Sweetheart, Snooki, JWoww and of course...THE SITUATION. (Jolie, but she left. What a douche. She couldn't be without her guido, I guess) These guys are SOOOO flipping unfunny and they don't get it either. Or maybe they do and just don't care because of the skin cancer (from the tanning beds that they own) and the goop in their hair have seeped into their brains. Or maybe it is just the roids that prevent them from seeing how big of jokes they all are. Live it up though kids and I'd LOVE to see The Situation in some of the challenges. He'd get ROCKED by CT or Johnny Bananas or even the Pussy that IS Dunbar. And Jwow v Kimberly. HA.

In 2009 we lost some big names, Michael Jackson being the biggest name I believe. Wifey and I were trying to think about it, and on a global scale, that's probably the biggest death since Lady Di (Sorry Heath, but MJ and Lady Di are on a WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL than you.) What is so weird is that NO ONE wanted to talk about his "relationship" with children late in his life. Dude hadn't made any real music since the kiddielove stuff began yet people only wanted to discuss thriller. I just think that SOME of the coverage should have talked about his love of Kevin McCallister. Just saying.

As for sports, the Yankees won again (whatev), the Lakers won again (whatev), UNC won as did Florida and the Steelers. Roger Federer broke Sampras's record while Tiger didn't win anything. The US won the Presidents Cup (no real surprise there) and soccer STILL isn't popular in America. Not much has changed since 2001.

Dennis Felton was shown the door at Georgia, which is AWESOME and Joe Cox, Bryan Evans and Prince Miller have graduated while Reshad Jones might leave early, which bodes well for the Georgia football program. With Richt(a woken up CMR) and Fox (determined to move the basketball meter) in charge I KNOW 2010 will be better than 2009 for Georgia Sports. Throw in that it will be an even year and the Diamond Dawgs will be in the College World Series and maybe just maybe the GymDawgs will keep rolling without SusieY.

2009 had its highs and lows. Here is hoping that 2010 has higher highs and fewer lows. Happy New Year everybody from SportsbyFletch and we'll see you next year!

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