Thursday, September 11, 2008

Season 3 recap of Pacey's Creek

I've ALREADY said that I am renaming the show Pacey's Creek. He is the better character. When he smiles, wow. Birds flutter, angels sing....ok, maybe I crossed the line, but he is just 10X the cooler character than Dawson.
I think the producers realized their goof and I think it is kind of funny that the character who the show is NAMED AFTER was in the background for most of the third season. He was just NOT a likeable character.

I think it speaks volumes about the actors themselves. Joshua Jackson has gone on to appear in several movies and is now in the new hot show Fringe (which I will be watching come Sunday night. I missed it the other day due to radio obligations. I also missed The Island last night on MTV. I hope it is coming on sometime this weekend. I love some MTV-as long as Russell Brand isn't involved.), while JVDB is NOWHERE to be found. Just saying.....

But when Dawson started crying during the season finale, I laughed. GOOD. YOU DESERVE IT! And when Joey dumped Pacey for Dawson's friendship, it made me root against her too. But now that she's back on a boat for the summer with Pacey, things are good.

Bottom line, I don't know why Joey would even want to consider Douchebag Dawson's friendship over Winning-man Whitter and his awesomeness is beyond me. Makes me question he judgment. Katie Holmes in real life marrying Tom Cruise doesn't do anything to calm my fears.......


Unknown said...

a) I love that you're calling it Pacey's creek. Totally agree
b) When Joey asks for permission to get on Pacey's boat - that might be my favorite Creek moment ever.

Anonymous said...

well she DOES ask permission to come aboard. is she predicting the future?