Thursday, September 25, 2008

This is a bit annoying

So there is a gas shortage in Atlanta (not so says Gov Sonny Perdue, but then he also once wrote in to the newspaper telling them to stop being mean to UGA) and it hit me last night. Yep, I pretty much ran out of gas UP IN CUMMING last night. My boy JCole helped me out, as did my wonderful wife, but the lines are CRAZY! I feel like I am in the opening of the movie Miracle!
But after a few lines, I finally have filled my car up and am ready to go....but the thing I really have to say is....WHY IS THERE A GAS SHORTAGE?!

Paul Mac may have to weigh in here, but WHY IS THERE A SHORTAGE? There is oil in Alaska, but a bunch of tree-huggers won't let us drill. Instead we have to be nice to the sheiks in the Middle East because we wouldn't want to hurt a Caribou! (I know I didn't spell that correctly, I don't care.)

And as for the refinery issue, why is Georgia's in FREAKING TEXAS? Umm can't we put one up where Hurricanes and Tornadoes WON'T cause a gas freak out? Gimme a break here! Throw one up over here in GA. Let's make this happen.

Bottom line, let's drill in Alaska and get more refineries. THAT WAY, maybe gas can be had WITHOUT waiting 45 minutes to pay $50 to fill up my Honda!

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