Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You call that a boxing workout?

I am sorry, but I had to laugh last night when LC on The Hills was "working out" by quarter-ass boxing with that personal trainer that Twitney dated last season (or two seasons ago, I forget). I say quarter-ass because she half-assing a half-assed work out, if that is possible. Barely twisting as she was punching. I mean pretending to work a real job is SOOOOOO tiring! Also, I think it is funny that Twitney and LC still use that personal trainer after the failed date. Does anyone else find that funny?
No? Just me? OK.....moving on

I thought last night's episode was just a little off. The Doug/Steph/LC drama....I don't understand it. Doug said it right: LC dumped me! I can't go out with someone else? But Doug and Steph messed up when She-Pratt tried to say, "Oh it was nothing. I have deleted his number from my phone, but I am still going to his party that I RSVPed two weeks ago before I knew him." Ummmm, so you got invited to a guy's house party you didn't know? And you deleted his number, but you are still going to his party? Huh? Were you afraid that you were included in the headcount, and it would screw up Doug's catering numbers? I guess you can say that she is polite?

Why didn't they just huddle and say, "hey let's play this off as we went out as friends and if LC can't be happy for us, she can go to HELL!"? That would make LC out to be the bad guy, but I guess her show would never let that happen. I thought the episode climax was interesting when both were turning on each other in a desperate attempt to stay on the show. Clinging!

Neither are very good actors though. Neither are as good as Heidi, but Heidi should be forced to give back some of her paycheck after her final scene. How come the director didn't yell "Cut!" when Heidi couldn't force the tears in the lunch scene with her mom? The mom was able to do it, but why couldn't Heidi? (On another note, I wonder if, when casting actors/actresses for these parts, Adam DiVello watches someone read, then says, "WOW, you are a great actor. Sorry you aren't right for us. We need actors that aren't very good so the dialogue looks forced. And we are shooting for absolutely ZERO personality. Go next door and try Mad Men. You are really good. Too good for us.")

Lastly, Spencer has just become a caricature of his former self. I am guessing he saw how he was in season 2 and 3 and which performances got more response on blogs and message boards, so he decided, "HEY, I need to be just a complete ass in order for more airtime." No one is THAT rude to his m-i-l, but he did it so I would blog about him this morning, so he can try and parlay that into a pepsi deal or something. I did like his classic "I know some great lunch spots!" line. I am fully convinced that Speidi sticks together for this season (causing great drama in the Montague household) before planning the big wedding all next season, only to run out on Spencer in the finale to hang out with LC, ala Wayne's World 2 and to a lesser extent The Graduate.

Oh, one quick PS, in the scenes from next week, it appears that LC has given Heidi a choice through Holly of: keep Spencer and lose me forever, drop Spencer and I would consider being your friend again. Let's forget the fact that LC did EXACTLY what Heidi did back in season 1 and move on. The Wifey, as we were watching the previews said, "DUMP HIM! CHICKS BEFORE DICKS!" I realize this is the girls rallying cry, kind of how like guys have that whole, "Bros before Hoes." But honestly, and I've said this before:THAT'S WHAT SINGLE PEOPLE SAY! I would put my Wifey before any BRO. And the only women that buy into the CHICKS BEFORE DICKS thing are single girls that are jealous of their friends with boyfriends who spend most Friday night trying to hook up with a dude at a bar/club. Also using the expression Chicks before dicks: any girls that enjoy field hockey and that drive Subarus. Sorry, it's true.

I blame this on Sex and the City, when honestly, ALL of those women were looking for a man who they could put before their men. Carrie really put the girls before Big? NO! Kristin Davis's character wanted a man more than ANYTHING. Come on. Guys can see RIGHT THROUGH THAT.

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