Thursday, March 6, 2008

I love the 90s

So this week American Idol has done 80s music. last week it was 70s and the week before 60. Unfortunately, we probably won't get 90s music, but really, I am not sure what they would have done. Grunge? Rap? Boy Band stuff? Pop Girl stuff?
But I loved the 90s music scene. We had the rap wars with Biggie and TuPac with Jay-Z at the end. We had Nirvana and Soundgarden and Pearl Jam. (PS, I think Nirvana's place in history will forever he propped up because he killed himself when they were so popular and never had a chance to break up or come down from the higher level they were on).
We had Bush and Smashing Pumpkins. We had N*Sync and Mandy Moore. Celine Dion and Shania Twain were big.
But the biggest most successful band....The Zack Attack. Friends Forever is a song that I will not soon forget. And with Screech, Kelly, Zack, Slater, and Lisa Turtle rocking out, how can you go wrong? I am glad the group did its best to leave out Jessie and her potential drug problems from the group. That was drama the group just didn't need. It is a shame though that the band wasn't actually real. As popular as that show Saved by the Bell was, I imagine that band REALLY could have made some money. But then, the more I think about it. It probably wasn't them singing and playing the music.

Top song of the 90s....Nirvana's Smells like Teen Spirit. I have never seen the 20-1 on VH1, but that HAS to be #1. Nirvana WAS the band of the 90s and that was their best song. I don't want to be like the Heisman voters here and give it to the best song from the best group (Troy Smith two years ago from tOSU) but SLTS was #1.

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