Monday, March 31, 2008


This is the true story, of 7 political figures, picked to live in a WHITE House, and have their lives taped, to find out what happens, when political figures stop being polite and start getting Real. The Real World: DC!

So I thought I would come up with the ultimate Real World House featuring political figures that would be entertaining to watch. (I watched the Braves/Nats last night and W was quite funny. I would TOTALLY watch a reality show about him after he leaves his post as President. I think it would be great. At first I thought, it would be funny to watch him just do his thing, then I thought, it would be great watching a show with W and Clinton. Then it just snowballed into the Real World: White House)

So you would have W, Clinton, Hillary, Monica, Janet Reno, George HW Bush, and Condoleezza Rice. This would totally work. Bill would be trying to hit on Condy, Monica, and Janet, while Hillary would be yelling at him. W would be constantly be getting punished by HW Bush. Janet Reno would be the quasi-gay roomie while Condy Rice would say crap like, "It's hard being the only person of color in this house." Clinton would then try and comfort her by offering a three-way with Monica. W would just walk around and pull pranks on everyone. Janet would have ROCKING Dance Parties and GHW Bush would get aggravated and probably leave the house....making way for Quayle to come in and he and W could have "Deep" discussions where W ends up cracking himself up.

This can't miss.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you see the next ACTUAL Real World is going to be in Hollywood? I don't know why they refuse to come to the ATL.