Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Midweek entertainment report 3/26

Best. Season. Ever? plus Brad Pitt's cousin for president and the lack of seatbelt instruction in the US military. It's today's Midweek entertainment report!


So everyone from FOX to Paula to Randy to Simon to Ryan to magazines to random blogs (this one NOT included) has been calling this season of American Idol, "the best season ever!" Ummmm, really? Best ever? Granted, I didn't watch season one or two and three was a bit of a crapfest (Fantasia? Really?). Season 4 had a fantastic final 3, and 2 and winner (Carrie). Season 5 I thought was the best with Daughtry v McPhee v Hicks with Elliot Yamin SOMEHOW outlasting CD. Too bad Taylor Hicks (who?) won it all, but that finale was awesome. Season 6..never really got into it and Jordin winning it over Blake, whatever.
This season CERTAINLY has the ability to have a great final 5 of JCastro, Michael Johns, Carly, and the two Davids, but there are too many other singers that I just turn off when they are on. Kristy Leigh Cook, Jacuzzi, Syeshsa, Ramiele (or however you spell it) and Brooke are a little BORING to me. Just saying. Maybe it will have the best final 5 ever, but I am not into all 12 finalists. Just not. I guess I kept hearing all of this "BEST EVER" stuff and it got my hopes up. I DO look forward to MJ and DC and DA's singing, but is it worth sitting through the other lesser singers? I dunno. In year's past, I didn't mind. This year, I do mind. Can we just eliminate the ones that CLEARLY won't win and move on to the final 5 RIGHT NOW?

So Barack Obama and Brad Pitt are 9th cousins, linked back to Edwin Hickman, a Virginian that died in 1769. REALLY? Someone has WAY too much time on his or her hands to look THAT UP! Also, it is reported that Hillary Clinton and Angelina Jolie are 9th cousins-twice removed, dating back to Jean Cusson of Quebec in 1718. Once stuff starts getting removed and twice removed, that means you aren't REALLY related. Come on now. Finally John McCain is 1st Lady Laura Bush's 6th cousin. Can we PLEASE stop researching this stuff? Shouldn't these manhours spent looking up this stuff be used to find a way to bring gas prices down?

Finally, I saw where Hulk Hogan is being sued by a guy who was critically injured in a car crash involving the Hulkster's son. John Graziano's lawsuit says that Hulk and Linda are liable as parents of 17 year old Nick. And that is true. The Lawsuit seeks millions of dollars, as Graziano will require care for the rest of his life. Here is where my problem comes into play. Graziano was a passenger in Nick's car when it lost control and the former US Soldier wasn't wearing his seatbelt. Yeah, lawsuit thrown out RIGHT THERE! Ummm were you kidnapped and thrown into the car against your own will? Did you tell Nick not to start the car until your seatbelt was fastened? As sad as this story is, I believe that he will NOT get his money from a judge, unless that judge was an Ultimate Warrior fan, in which case, Hulk is screwed. But come on. You were a passenger IN the car WITHOUT your seatbelt on. You are looking for a payday. Sorry, but take SOME responsibility yourself. WEAR A SEATBELT!

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