Monday, March 24, 2008

The Ultimate Screw Job

I was FINALLY able to catch the end of the GauntletIII and saw MTV officially screw the greatest collection of talent the show has ever put together. Here is what I don't get. If MTV didn't want this slaughter, then why did they throw such a pile of crap Rookies at this stacked Vet squad? It was essentially Key West and Denver v the Vets. And then for the final mission, they had the odds AGAIN stacked against the Vets and they STILL ended up coming back and finishing the mission before the Rookies, who in essence had a 5 minute head start. But because Easy nearly passed out and had to be carted away, they say that the Vets were DQ'ed. Interesting. I remember Melinda going to the hospital with a concussion, but she wasn't sent home. Yet during freshmeat when Evan and Coral were kicking butt and both sustained injuries that they were willing to soldier through, they WERE sent home. Interesting how MTV forgets that. They kind of remind me of NASCAR a bit with the constant rules changes and tweaks to try and keep it competitive. Oh well.

I think the Vets wuz-robt! But that's OK. They finished first and even though they didn't win any money, what they did was CLEARLY better than having a real job. And come on. They were still paid. Plus they get to come back to Puerto Rico or whereever they go next and do it all again. Gotta love that.

I also don't think we will see Eric in too many more challenges. I just can't see him coming back and the rest of the peeps trusting him. If he DOES come back, he will IMMEDIATELY be put up for a gauntlet. He pretty much blackballed himself there.

I thought it was funny CT threatening to drown Easy when he wouldn't swim, then yelling at the other teammates not to threaten him, instead encourage him, then getting fed up and yelling at Eric, himself. HA! CT is so scatterbrained. It is awesome.

Lastly, I still say MY all-star team clearly takes down this team. Do you think ALTON would have just yelled at Eric? They guy moved a truck BY HIMSELF, he would have just given Eric a piggy-back ride to the finish line. Abram would have done his thing with Randy and Landon. And if the group needed drama, Wes would have caused plenty. Maybe MTV sees my team and tries to hook this up. But the only thing is, it wouldn't be close. My team isn't a bunch of hotheads, which was the downfall of this Vet team that just lost to the Rookies. My team NEVER would have imploded, instead they would have bonded together for the long haul. I don't think the crew would have been throwing Gauntlets either to send off girls. That would have made it interesting to see the dominant guys going against MY dominant guys for safety. Great stuff.
Then maybe had an elimination tourney for the last mission where they square off against each other in beach brawl-type races. CT v Alton. Abram v Evan. WOW!
(A reminder of my team..... But I would like to see this Vet Team against a team featuring Derrick, Wes, Alton, Abram, Jamie (from New Orleans), Isaac (of Sydney) Randy, Landon and Ruthie, Kina, Jodi, Tina, Tonya, Svetlana, Jillian and Montana/Genesis (which ever is still under 40) I think my crew is a good mix of athlete PLUS drama, MUCH LIKE THE Current cast of Vets.

The way I see it shaking out

CT-Alton Evan-Abram Kenny-Randy Brad-Derrick Danny-Wes Johnny Bananas-Jamie Adam-Landon Eric-Isaac match-ups for the guys with

Ev-Kina Robin-Tina Coral-Jodi Paula-Ruthie Katie-Tonya Diem-Jillian Casey-Svetlana Beth-Montana/Genesis

I guess the MOST exciting piece of info from the finale is NOT that Real World is hitting Hollywood (actually the scenes looked a little boring) but the fact that The HILLS is back TONIGHT! Nice!

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