Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Welcome to the Joey Show

Ummmmmmmmm, when did Pacey's Creek become The Joey Show? Just wondering....As we all know by now THIS GUY has gone back to catch up on Dawson's Creek since (shockingly) he never watched them the first time around. WHy? Who knows? It seemingly was right up my alley, but I never did. THANK GOODNESS FOR NETFLIX!
Well I am NOW up to season 6 (the final season) and I am coming down the homestretch, and THIS is how the producers decided to annoy me with only one disc left? Make this the Joey Show?
In the 6 episodes I saw last night, I got to witness Dawson finally get to direct a movie (well at least the reshoots) and he fired his DP. Great job DCreek. All of your changes helped the movie go STRAIGHT to cable. Nice work. At least Rules of Attraction stopped off in the Wal-Mart discount DVD aisle first.

Then we get to see Audrey go to rehab, sort of. First she has a little sex with Seth Rogan, who NO DOUBT tried to get this episode of DCreek banished from the DVD set. I think he ACTUALLY got the episode ripped off of his IMDB page too. you KNOW Jonah Hill gives him grief over that.

Oh, also Dawson gets a second movie that he then turns down because he would rather NOT have a job, apparently. DUDE, what is your problem. you were trying to become a director, but you feel you would lose part of your soul in the process? Come on. There are, what 3 directors that get to do what they want to in Hollywood? And hey DCreek, you aren't one of them! (But a big wet blanket award goes to his mom for telling him to stop with the whole director idea. Umm I know your husband just died, but do you HAVE to be a Debbie Downer for EVERYONE ELSE?)

Can some one please hand Jen Lindley a mirror so she can SEE her bangs? Or give her enough money to go to Great Clips and get a real haircut! She looked TERRIBLE. If I had been CJ, I would have said, "Do you know why I slept with Audrey? Her hair doesn't look like sh!t" And can we also tell Jen and CJ that talking about sex in front of Grams MAY be a little inappropriate? But mad props to CJ for being the best sex Jen has ever had. That must be like winning the Maryland Lottery. She has been around the block so much, JLo wrote a song about her (Jenny from the Block!) Lastly, HEY JEN, your grandmother just told you she has cancer. YOU NEED TO STOP MAKING IT ABOUT YOU! I wish Grams could have given her the cancer instead. Yes, I am now OPENLY rooting for Jen Lindley to get cancer ( I think I remember someone saying she dies in the last episode. BEST. EPISODE. EVER.)

But now we get to Joey Potter. So let me get this straight, Eddie tells you he loves you, but then you get angry when he shows up because he is not telling you how he feels or what he is thinking? (Ummm he told you he loves you!) Then you drive with him to LA, where he tells you he loves you AGAIN. And you tell him you love him too, but then you go and tell him to F-off, but that you might meet him in Paris in a year. So you come home (how? I thought you were broke?) only to get RIGHT BACK with Pacey. You guys snuggle together while you are drunk and then in a K-Mart (you can see how dated this show is...) You THEN make plans to go boof with Pacey...when Eddie returns and you tell him to F-off again, only to tell Pacey to f-off and you go back to Eddie? I mean, I can understand. Eddie is quite handsome with his Nickey Fisk hairdo and perfect bonestructure, but you made Pacey shave his mustache/goatee combo for you? Not right. (This by the way after you go Maggie Gynenhall on him as his secretary. Umm I would have fired you for all of the mistakes you made in your ONE day of secretarial work. You did suck FYI. She is the damn dumbest smart person I know!)
But back to Eddie. You go back to him? Really? After you fell back for Pacey? You do know Eddie is going back to Cali in a few months, right? He said as much. Do you just think that Pacey will still be there for you? Like an old standby? I mean I am sure he will be, but that is not right. And you know it. Joey, how would you feel if Pacey put you on a backburner so he could pursue the reporter, then after she leaves, OH, YOU'LL BE RIGHT THERE. Umm, Joe, you would probably go out and sleep with a professor or something. Apparently Audrey has rubbed off on Joey a bit. She is jumping from bed to bed.

Pretty slutty there Joey. Oh well. At least you aren't Jen yet....(Or Carrie Underwood. Did you see where she had to deny being involved with Michael Phelps. Wow, first Tony Romo, and now Phelps. She likes her sports stars doesn't she? I guess she is letting Jesus take the wheel, and a sports star take her panties)

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