Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Midweek entertainment report 2/18/09

Chris Brown rejected by Oprah's better half, Idol's first 12 sucks, and Christian gets engaged.

Ladies and gentlemen, the Midweek entertainment report!


Chris Brown officially apologized to Rihanna, but Gayle King has come out on the record saying she doesn't accept the apology. Ummmmm Gayle, he wasn't apologizing to you. Sorry. I know you are the editor of O magazine and Oprah's secret girlfriend, but why are you rejecting the apology? Did Chris Brown really beat YOU up, but just claimed it was Rihanna because he didn't want to be seen as a gay-basher? Didn't realize this was a coverup. Hmmmmmmmmmm. Seriously Gayle, I realize O magazine probably isn't achieving the success Oprah probably hoped for when she appointed you, her girlfriend as the head cheese (like Caleb with wife Julie Cooper-Nickel running Newport Living from Season 2 of The OC). How about you keep your nose out of it since it really doesn't apply to you.

If last night was any indication, American Idol will SUCK MAJOR BALLS this season. The first 12....enh. Do I HAVE to pick three from this group to advance to the finals? I'd take the Alexis girl with the dyed blond and pink hair as the best, but that is like saying, "Hey Billy, you are the tallest of ALL of the lollipop gild!" I think she just sounded better because everyone else wasn't good. As for the guy, take the last guy Gokey, or whatever. He was in the pimp spot. Anoop probably gets the final spot because, as Wifey says, "He's likeable!" But everyone else, really disappointing. What was with the chick in the elastic pants? And the two hot chicks really sucked. Same with the rest of the guys. Really really bad. I hope the next 24 are WAY better. SAVE THIS SEASON. But I think this was Season6 redux written ALL OVER IT! And I like the format that makes you do well, not just avoid doing poorly. We can cut a whole bunch of crappy singers this way. I think the producers realized they had a bunch of shite and changed the format to get rid of it in a hurry. I LIKE E!

Finally your Nip/Tuck report. I am sorry, but I am already sick of the Sean/new lady doctor relationship. So he is too uptight for her? Then he TOTALLY changes who he is (which if I was her, I wouldn't like that. You can TELL he is faking) only to go back to being himself, ONLY TO END the show as being fake again? Come on..... As for Christian, dude, you got engaged to a lezbinen. But maybe that is just a label. Maybe you can't help WHO you fall in love with. Maybe Nip/Tuck is really teaching America a lesson. How deep you are Ryan Murphy. How deep. I would have LOVED how the episode ended, except that Sean is seemingly back with the new lady doctor. (I don't even know her name, that's how much I want her to go away.)

Have a great one everybody!

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