Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Real World Atlanta: Episode 4

Previously on THE REAL WORLD…
“Well you hold on to her, she’s pretty.” Denise points at Dani. Dani starts to correct her when Todd grabs her hand and squeezes. “She is great.” Dani hugs Todd as he really starts to cry about a block or two away from the house. “It will be OK Todd. I’m here.”
“For you my love, I will soldier on! If you nurse me through,” Jimmy bats his eyelashes at Carly. Carly gives Jimmy a big hug and kiss on the cheek.
Kevin and Kirstin have ice cream as he walks to her door. He kisses her but she lays a serious one on him. “You want to come up?” Kirstin lays another one on Kevin and he says, “ok, yeah.”

This is the TRUE STORY, of Seven strangers (you’re a rapper?), picked to live in a house (ATL BABY!), and have their lives taped (get the F*** out my face!) to find out what happens when people stop being polite (say it again, I DARE YOU!) and start being real. The Real World: Atlanta!

Kevin sneaks into the house, still wearing the same adidas running suit he donned the night before and heads straight to the kitchen. He is being quite stealth as he pours himself some milk. Suddenly Vlad peaks his head through a doorway. “Someone’s an early bird. Or a late night owl! Where you been?” Vlad is all the way in the kitchen and Kevin is blushing. “Shut up man. I just got back from my date.”
“you guys had a sleep over on your first date?” Vlad laughs as he asks the question.
“Yeah, so? The K-Dawg was barking all night baby!” Kevin seems proud of himself and slips back into K-Dawg mode that we haven’t seen in a while.
“You going to see her again?” Vlad wonders.
“Maybe Baby. We’ll see how the K-Dawg feels.
In confessional Kevin opens up. “I was able to be myself and not put up a front and she bought in. I like being myself around her. It’s hard for me to open up. After my addiction troubles, my parents kicked me out and I had to kinda fend for myself, so I became tougher. Juvy does that to you. But it is nice to feel like I CAN be myself around her. I want to make friends, friends who see me for me and not a former druggie. Kirstin knows my past but she doesn’t care. I’m ready to let her inside my bubble. But some of these people don’t deserve to be in my bubble.”

Jimmy enters the kitchen. “Weren’t you wearing that yesterday?”
Vlad laughs with Jimmy and slaps him on the back. “It looks like our little Kevin has grown up.”
“Shut up, both of you.” Kevin starts to walk off when Todd blocks him.
“Did Kevin get a little last night?” Todd joins in laughing with Jimmy and Vlad as Kevin leaves.
“Who had Kevin as getting the first hit of all of us?” Jimmy asks the two other guys.
“Dude, we have girlfriends. Vlad, dude, you should feel like crap though,” Todd shoots in quick.
“You don’t have a girlfriend. Unless those two at the bar and Dani count!” Vlad booms.
“What?” Todd is red in the face. “actually I think Vladdy has a point, Todd. You DO seem to be trying to hit that Lesbian tail.” Jimmy is quite proud of his recent cutdown.
“It’s not like that. Dani is my friend, Ray is my girlfriend,” Todd tries to convince himself as much as the other guys.
Jimmy and Vlad wink at each other with this last statement.

In confessional Jimmy and Vlad both look at the camera.
“Dani is my friend. Ray is my girlfriend,” Vlad mimics Todd.
“Vlad, watch what I’m about to do. I WILL have Todd making out with someone NOT named Ray by tonight,” Jimmy predicts.
“Game on my friend,” Vlad shakes his head.

A shot of folks shopping at the Prado are shown as we see Cailie and Carly eating at Frankies.
“Do you think you’d wanna get with any of the guys in our house?” Cailie asks.
“Yeah I think Jimmy is cute, who wouldn’t” Carly says.
“Yeah, have you ever seen him work out? Boy is hot” Cailie agrees.
“Vlad is the one to watch working out. Have you ever worked out with him?” Carly answers. Cailie shakes her head no. Carly’s eyes get big and she just shakes her head.
“Did Kevin come home last night?” Cailie throws out the question while Carly rolls her eyes.
“Don’t care. I hope he’s found someone and stays at her house for the next four months!” Carly doesn’t like Kevin, clearly.
“I’ve got one for you: Jimmy or Todd?” Cailie poses the question to Carly.
“Well since Todd is into black chicks, I’m out. First Ray, now Dani…” Carly stops talking and just smiles.
“He isn’t with Dani. Wait, have you heard anything?” Cailie is eager for gossip.
“Once you go black you never go back. Goes both ways. They were pretty close when they came home last night. Grrr, I don’t want to go to work.”

In confessional Cailie announces, “So we have a job. Apparently we are going to be working in TV somehow. CNN maybe? I think that’s based in Atlanta. Don’t know what we’d do. We have a meeting today though.”

“Is everybody ready to go?” Dani yells. “We are waiting for Carly…SHOCKER!” responds Todd. They both laugh as Kevin appears with a Nike headband and yellow-tinted sunglasses. Jimmy is chugging a bottle of water before he sets the bottle down and yells, “Carly, let’s freaking GO!”
Carly is in the bathroom putting on makeup and Cailie is standing by her putting on earrings. Vlad comes into the bathroom and says, “Girls, come on, we’re going to be late.”
“Vlad, we’ll be down in a minute. Give me a friggin break. 5 minutes late, who cares?
“On our first day, we MUST make a good impression,” Vlad scolds as he leaves.
“Ve MUST make GOOD IMPRESSION!” Carly apes in a Russian accent.

Finally everyone is in the Honda Element and Jimmy is driving. “So where do you think we’re going?” Kevin asks Dani.
“Well it isn’t CNN. That’s downtown. We’re headed Southwest,” Dani tries to piece together where they are headed.
“Step on it dude, we’re going to be late, thanks to SOME ONE!” Todd calls to the backseat. “Shut up TODD!” Carly disgustedly yells to the front seat. “What a loser. Go make out with Dani.”
Dani hears this and shoots Carly a sideways glance. “Jimmy just get us there in one piece.”
The Element pulls up to the Tyler Perry Studios and Tyler Perry greets the roommates as they get out.
“Right on time,” Tyler says as he introduces himself to each of the roommates. “Come on into my office guys.
Everyone settles inside Perry’s office as Alex, Perry’s creative manager is also introduced. “So I don’t know you guys know, but I own Tyler Perry Studios where we make movies and television shows. And I want you guys to work on the creative team of a new show that I’ll soon be releasing for The CW. It is based on my old black woman character’s ladies church group. I will be dressing up as the old black woman and making spot appearances on the show, but it is mostly a spinoff-kind of show based on these women. I want this new characters to be the main characters, you know. Branch out a bit. Now, I have to go oversee The Browns, so I will leave you with Alex, my creative manager.” Perry leaves as Alex stands in front of the roommates.
“So you guys will be coming up with three of the six main characters and you will be working with the writing team on three episodes. You need to study some of your intended audiences and come up with a demographic study. We’ll want some major backgrounds on each of the three you guys come up with and think about how they can grow as the show goes on. Think of your episode themes and storylines too. We will meet once a week and you will need to be writing constantly and keeping me up to date. The writing team will want two drafts per week and you’ll be involved in everything about those three episodes: working with the director, the producers, the camera guys, editors, everything. This is a bigtime opportunity, so when we meet next week, let’s bounce some ideas. I want one character next week and the two others by the following week. Let’s get excited and really put our best foot forward. Thanks for coming in guys.”

The roommates are looking at each other. Kevin and Dani seemed pumped. Jimmy seems in awe of Tyler Perry. Vlad looks skeptical as he looks around at everyone else. Todd is looking at the posters on the wall while Carly is rolling her eyes and Cailie is laughing with Carly. “Well THIS ought to be fun,” a sarcastic Carly whispers to Cailie as she give a thumbs down.
“Let’s go guys, let’s get working,” Dani grabs Todd as they leave.

Back at the house Carly and Jimmy are getting ready to go out. “Well that was disappointing,” Carly casually says to Jimmy. “What, you don’t like Tyler Perry?” Jimmy is surprised that Carly doesn’t like the job.
“I’ve just never seen any of his stuff. Isn’t it black humor?” Carly asks as Jimmy doesn’t respond, just continuing to shave.

In confessional Carly admits, “Listen, sorry I don’t watch black comedy. I just don’t. I have nothing against black people, I just don’t like black comedy. I don’t get it. Only FUNNY things are funny to me. Black guys dressing up as old women? I don’t get that. Why can’t they just be funny on their own? Why do they need a fat suit? Eddie Murphy, Tyler Perry, Martin Lawrence? In that Momma’s house movie, you could see his mustache. Was that supposed to be funny?”

Vlad and Todd are putting on shoes when Vlad asks Todd if he’s talked to Ray recently? “I’ll call her tomorrow, I guess. Why?” Todd asks.
“Just wondering. I saw you calling her a couple of times a day when we first got here, and I haven’t seen you call her recently. Everything OK?” Vlad offers a hand.
“Yeah, we’re fine. Don’t worry.”

The roommates enter the Compound and Jimmy motions for some drinks. Music is playing as Vlad and Jimmy are talking in a corner. Kevin is watching Dani and Carly dance while Todd and Cailie are talking. “So this is how this starts, big man. Watch me in action. Oh and hold Cailie back for a minute.” Jimmy heads to the bar.
Vlad runs interference on Cailie while watching Jimmy head over and talk to Max. “Hey Max, what’s up brother?” Max gives Jimmy a head nod and comes over and gives Jimmy a fist pound. Jimmy leans over and whisper-shouts to Max, “Dude, are we still cool? I mean after what went down Monday, I just want to make sure we are cool.”
“What are you talking about?” Max asks as he puts a drink in front of another girl beside Jimmy.
“Dude, I don’t know if Cailie told you, I guess not. Are you guys a couple? Cause she made out with another dude at STATS. I don’t know if you guys are a thing or not, but I just want to make sure we, you and me, we’re still cool.” Jimmy throws back a shot and motions for another one.
“I mean, we never had the talk. She’s a cool chick. I like her, but we never had a talk or anything. She can make out with whomever she wants I guess. I guess though if she is making out with other guys, whatever.” Max looks a bit pissed, but he shakes it off.
“Maybe she was just drunk or something. I guess she likes you but she made out with this guy a couple of different times. I just wanted you to know, so, you know, WE could be cool. Cause Max, you’re a cool dude.” Jimmy offers his fist for a bump and Max bumps it, angrily before throwing a glass into the ice/trash bucket.

Jimmy flashes a big thumbs up to Vlad and brings back a handful of shots for Vlad, Cailie, Todd and Carly. Dani and Kevin are off dancing on stage.
“To Tyler Perry!” Jimmy boasts. Carly rolls her eyes, yet throws the shot back.
Cailie heads to the bar and tries to flag down Max. He ignores her and another bartender approaches her. “Can you get Max?” Cailie asks. Max walks over, pissed off. “What?”
“Hey Babe!” Cailie is happy to see Max, but picks up on his attitude.
“You want a drink or something?” Max is a bit put off by Cailie’s bubbliness.
“Sure, a jaegar and a jaegar.” Cailie winks at Max. He slams two shot glasses on the bar and pours the shots without spinning the bottle as is his normal routine.
“What’s wrong, Max?” Cailie asks Max. He says nothing. Cailie drains the two shots and Max puts a Corona on the bar and gives her a lime as he knows her favorite beer.
“Thanks. What’s the matter?” Cailie is concerned now.
“Listen Cai, you can make out with whoever, whomever, but I think we’re done. This one’s on me.” Max walks away as Cailie is stunned.
Todd walks up and puts his arm around Cailie. “What’s the matter beautiful?”
“I think Max just dumped me,” Cailie says, near tears.
“Come on Cai, let’s go,” Todd pulls her closer and stares down Max. Max sees Todd and heads to the other end of the bar.
Jimmy gives Cailie a drink and feeds Todd a shot. Katy Perry’s I Kissed a girl comes on and Cailie, now cleary feeling the effects of the booze, grabs Todd and they head to the dance floor. Jimmy elbows Vlad in the ribs. Cailie is grinding on Todd when Kevin, up on stage, sees what is going on. He points out the action to Dani and she looks on, a tad annoyed. “Whatever, girlfriend, whatever. Dance with the whore all you want Todd. I’ll tell Ray. Don’t worry!!” Dani shouts into the crowd, but the music is blaring.
“I freaking told you dude. It’s on like donkey kong.” Jimmy is now proud of himself and isn’t hesitating to tell Vlad about it.
“He hasn’t made out with her yet though,” Vlad counters.
“Dude, are you WATCHING what is going on? That is HAPPENING TONIGHT!” Jimmy is clapping now.
“You are the puppetmaster. Remind me not to cross you,” Vlad says, bowing down to pay mock-homage.
“It’s ON Dude. ON!
Todd and Cailie are seen once more, VERY CLOSE as the we hear “AND I LIKED IT!” CREDITS!

“So we need to work. Let’s focus guys,” Todd says, but Dani and Vlad just roll their eyes at his enthusiasm. Jimmy asks Todd, “Did, ah, you and Cailie…” “So did you and Todd, uhhh,” Carly and Cailie are talking on MARTA. Kevin then enters the kitchen to see Todd getting a Vitamin Water. “Hey bro, saw you and Cai last night dancing. Did you guys, uhhh..” Dani is seen on the phone, “Mom, I am so pissed. There’s a guy here that I am best friends with and I think he may have hooked up with another one of the roommates.” On the other end: Well Dani, what does it matter, unless you like this boy. Do you?” Dani looks out of the phone room to see Todd talking by in just a bathing suit, about to get into the hot tub.

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