Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mid-Week Entertainment report RETURNS!

a new milk gallon jug and Princess P to have a daughter, much to the delight of her mother.....

Ladies and gentlemen, the prodigal blog returns! It's the Mid-week entertainment report! CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP!

Not sure if this is entertainment news or not, but I saw where they are introducing a new "more green" milk gallon jug. The only difference is there is no spout. Instead it is basically a big hole. Not sure how this is "greener" and in fact I blame all of the tree-hugging celebs for doing this. How is this better for the earth? You spill more milk this way, thus leading to people buying MORE milk and thus more plastic and Cows are overworked to produce more milk and thus cows are bred looser, which hurts evolution which leads to more cows farting thus a bigger hole in the ozone layer which leads to more skin cancer which leads to more death and we all die sooner, because someone wanted to make MILK jugs greener. How about you guys work on that car that runs on hydrogen, so you fill it with water and it spits out oxygen into the air. How about that?

And I saw where Paris aka Princess P from Season 5 of American Idol (if you can't recall her, she was the annoying one who grandmother kept claiming she won a Grammy-and she did, but as a singer in a choir-and who always used to say in a baby voice "thank you" that seemed SO FAKE that you just wanted to throw a shoe at the tv.) is preggers. Yep, 19 year old Paris pulling a Jamie Lynn Spears and getting knocked up or as she put it "with child." She is planning to name her daughter Egypt, which would be a nice name if she were giving birth to an African Nation, but it is a baby human, so that is just a dumb name.

And I thought the best part was her mother's comments. "She has a ring and the father chooses not to be in the public eye. But I'm proud of how she did it. I was 16 when I got pregnant."
First off, the father chooses not to be in the public eye? I've got news for you:The public has chosen NOT to have you in its eye and it took Paris getting Pregnant for omg! to even notice you. I believe this was a calculated move, if you ask me. Paris in the statement said that the baby would arrive in October, ABOUT the same time as her Christmas album. Hmmmmmmm way to plan that out.
Also, the mom is proud of how the 19 year old "did it?" She was unmarried when she got knocked up. By the way, Paris has alienated her religious following (which is the only one she had left) by having pre-marital sex and a child out of wedlock. Again, I don't have a problem with her having a child out of wedlock, but I have a problem with her making a big stink over being uber-religious then seemingly having a baby come out ONLY to get pub for her album....that won't sell all that much because she lost half of her following with the move.

Just saying......

Finally, Hey Emma of The Search for the next Elle Woods, way to go out with class....NOT. Just kidding. For being so sick, you certainly were able to rip the other girls that stayed over you. All I have to say is, you really hurt yourself with CONTINUING to act sick, even if you were, whatever. You had to leave the choregraphy workshops. Also with the acting, you were just a bit....not there. Oh well. But way to show some class...wait you didn't. Also, you've stopped smoking for 3 weeks. That isn't that great an accomplishment. Quit bragging or trying to use that as an excuse. You should have NEVER started. OR get the nicorette gum or a patch or something. But you really needed to NOT bring that up EVERY SHOW whenever you struggled. If you were on that bike or dancing, and you HAD been smoking, then you would have pooped out even sooner. Don't think the judges were going to say, "Emma, you are strugglin...oh wait, you just quit smoking. We'll keep you!"

As far as who has a shot that is still left, I think Autumn is headed out next, then Rhiannon. I still think this competition comes down to Lauren v Bailey. GO BAILEY!

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