Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What a great guy this future Indy is

Shia LaBoof (I know that's not how you spell his last name, but if you've EVER heard me talk about him, THAT'S HOW I ROLL with this guy.) got in trouble yet again.

What a winner this Shia LaBoof is. I am SOOOOO glad Hollywood has tapped this guy to be the "next great young actor." For what? His appearance in Holes? This guy has had one run-in with the law after another. After a while, when is he going to try out for the Tennessee football team?

The guy gets arrested for being drunk in a Walgreens and is officially charged with a criminal trespass. Then he gets popped for illegally smoking in an area where the signs clearly were marked, telling folks not to. I guess LaBoof figured, "I was in Holes. It's OK if I smoke!" Umm, can you not read? Don't smoke there. (you really shouldn't be smoking anyways. That is bad for you.)

He has the gall to say he is glad that people went to see his movie, in reference to the newest edition of Indiana Jones. Umm, Shia, that was Harrison Ford's movie. You should be thanking your lucky stars they even let you IN that movie. And PS, while we are at it, the folks went to see Transformers for the robots and the chick, NOT FOR YOU. Just so ya know.

Now you go DUI on us and injure yourself in the process. Good work there Shia! While I won't critize you anymore, I will just say, DUDE, why are you seriously trying to screw up a future gig in the Indy franchise? I am not certain what you THINK your resume has on it that ensures your spot in the series, but I don't see it. You are messing with yourself with all of these incidents, and you need to stop.

And you need to wipe that smug look off your face too. Your name is SHIA LABOOF. Might you want to call yourself Steve Larson or something? A little more manly? I remember sportsbyfletch correspondent Paul Mac, who after seeing Transformers said to me, "That Shia LaBoof is hot." He thought Michelle Fox was you because of your girl name.
Just saying.

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