Thursday, October 23, 2008

Season 5 recap of Pacey's Creek

I am sorry I haven't been talking too much about Pacey's creek, but I wanted to save all of my thoughts on this season until I finished the gang's first year at College. I wanted to begin by saying that I was disappointed that the season 4 ended with Dawson and Joey kissing in DCreek's room. Not cool. Just not cool. Had she JUST broken up with Pacey and she is running back to dumb ole Douchebag Dawson? Come on Joey. You've GOT to move on.
But we open and see that Pacey has spent the whole summer bumping uglies with Dr. Cameron from House. Apparently she was in law school before she became a doctor. GO PACEY! I'd pick her over Joey ANY day of the week. Good work my man.
And we learn that Joey's new Roomie Audrey is one of the best characters on the show, along with Pacey. These two seemed destined to be together, and thankfully they do hookup eventually. But back to Joey. Not only does she blow off a young Crispin Glover for a drunk phone call to DCreek, but then she dumps CGlove again later for her TEACHER!? WHAT?
DCreek's dad Mitch Creek ends up dying and Dawson doesn't do a very good job of compartmentalizing. Dude, it is what you have to do. I know it is sad, and it is, but you have to keep going...quit using it as an excuse to ruin your life. You can't let that be a crutch for your life. You can't just walk around and make stupid choices and just blame it on that. You can't. COME ON BRO.
So back to the season, Pacey eventually gets a job as a chef. Interesting. But he is good at it, though the restaurant apparently is closed all the time or gives him days off seemingly ALL THE TIME!
Now we get to Charlie. Chad Michael Murray. Wow. I was smitten and I am a dude. And PS, to Jen, if you guys NEVER had the conversation about being exclusive, then he WAS allowed to date other people. I know he tried to get a three-way going with the chick from 7th Heaven and you, but come on. You seem like the kind of girl that would be up for it, so please get off your horse. Then he goes for Joey before finally leaving to open for a cover band. Hmmmm, but the guy was a semi-romantic when it came to Joey. It just goes to show you, if you are the right type of girl, you can bring out the right type of guy. Joey brought out a romantic guy because she DIDN'T sleep with him within 20 minutes of meeting him. Jen brought out a guy that tried for a three-way because she gave it up. Jen, you can only blame yourself on this one.
Thankfully Joey and Dawson didn't get together, but Dawson DID get with Jen? Huh? I know he wanted her in season 1, but the redux in season 5 gets them together? Interesting. I guess DCreek WAS destined to give up his V-Card to Jen, like he was TRYING to do in the first few episodes. Why did she wait so long? She gave it up to EVERYONE else pretty quick, but why did she make DCreek wait?

But the REAL ISSUE I want to broach is Jen's anger at Joey for just kissing Charlie when Jen went out and SLEPT with Dawson. Wait, so Joey can't kiss Charlie (not sleep with him mind you, just kiss him), but Jen is TOTALLY allowed to deflower Dawson, Joey's soulmate? Jen can you explain this to me? First off, I know you are trying to hide behind the Chicks before Dicks thing in terms of Charlie/Joey, but then how do you explain yourself and DCreek? Or if you are choosing to ignore the Chicks before Dicks thing with the DCreek situation, why are you all about it with Joey and Charlie? I just need a little explaining here. Some one? Anyone? I think that is a stupid rule anyways. I don't think you should punish a guy by having his "rights" forver and blocking his attempts on your friends. Just saying. Especially when the female dumps the male as Jen did with Charlie.

Lastly, I loved how Pacey extended his run of women up to 7 and I wish he had closed the deal with his new boss. I know he "loves" Audrey and everything, but come on. She was a hot cougar!

And PS, can someone please tell me how Joey is going to pay for this season finale trip to Paris? If I recall correctly, she was mugged of her last $500, then after getting it back, she gave it to the dead mugger's family. Whatevs. But how is she going to pay for the trip to France again? No one answered that question. Unless in her ONE HALF of a shift at the yacht club she was able to make the $1000+ it takes to fly to Europe. Huh? What? Was the Yacht Club changed into a stirp club while the kids were in college?

Oh, and Jack joined a Frat? That might have been the worst storyline of the entire series. For the record.

I am looking forward to seeing how this stuff wraps up and I DO know that Jen dies in the finale, and I am REALLY looking forward to that. I hate Jen Lindley. I wish SHE had died instead of Abby in season 2 or 3, whenever that was. Abby was a WAY cooler character. Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently it is difficult to comment on my blogs. Hmmmmm. I didn't seem to have any trouble!