Saturday, March 14, 2009

Survivor: Cuba, battle of the Sports Stars Episode two

Previously on SURVIVOR!

Jeff Probst stands on a beach as 16 tire rafts float to the beach, each raft being manned by a famous athlete/former athlete. 8 men and 8 women eventually float to shore and they start to look around at each other and size up the competition. Hulk Hogan is next to land at the beach and Bruce Jenner yells to Probst, “I thought real athletes were doing this show, Jeff?” The Hulkster, obviously offended that his manhood as a wrestler is being questioned retorts, “Oh sorry my show gets better ratings than yours does!” Jenner sarcastically claps right in Hulk’s face.
TO and Sharapova just lay on the beach. Danica is off trying to find water. “They are working too hard,” TO says to the tennis star. “Cuba to me means Va-ca-she-on-a.”
Sharapova smiles and flips over to her stomach.
In the water, Nash and Beard are trying to spear fish. “The two people that took forever getting here, that didn’t even look for anything are just laying there. Are you freaking kidding me, eh?” Nash spits out.
“They’d better show up in the challenges, or they are GOING to go home. Nash coolly drops to Beard, “if we have to trim the fat before the merge, I don’t think our guys will mind.” .
“You know, if you are a bitch, no one will like you and you’ll go home,” Sergio reminds Danica.
In the immunity challenge… Probst explains that Nash could end the game with a five-pointer or make it only possible for a tie and immediate throw off with a three pointer. Nash makes the three and five sign to Amanda who signals five. Nash attempts a five pointer, but is just long. Tebow is last to throw and knows that nothing short of a ten would work, though that target is 100 feet away. Tebow without hesitation fires a fastball to the heart of the 10-point target and Chumba wins 19-16. Probst congratulates Chumba and tells them they will be safe. Wumba will have tribal council.
In tribal council… Danica wonders if she is being outcast because she is beautiful to which Nash asks her if she thinks Maria or Amanda or Dominique is ugly? “No, but sometimes other women can be intimidated.” Probst finally wants to know if, because this is so early in the game if this vote is strictly voting out weakness or creating a solid, harmonious team. Amanda says it is both.
In the voting, Hogan shows Danica. “I wasn’t voting for you until you spoke up tonight.”
But it is Dominique who is sent home.

AhhhhhhhhhhuhhhhhhhhAHHHHHHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, ooohdelah, ohdelAHHH ohdelay ohdelay AH aaaa ahh yah a a yah…
Chumba Tribe….Tim Tebow, Brandi Chastain, Sean Avery, Ichiro, Bruce Jenner, Rebecca Lobo, Misty May, Kerry Walsh. Wumba Tribe…Amanda Beard, Steve Nash, Danica Patrick, Sergio Garcia, Hulk Hogan, Maria Sharapova, TO

Day 4
The Chumba tribe wakes up and Sean Avery begins to make everyone some rice. May and Walsh head to get some water. Tebow is praying when Lobo approaches him. “Would you like to pray with me? I’m finishing up, but I can keep going with you, if you’d like,” Tebow offers.
“No, I’m good. I was wondering though how you felt about us possibly teaming up? Everybody needs a partner in this game, a team, and I thought I’d reach out to you,: Lobo levels with the Heisman winner.
In a confessional Lobo admits, “He is the youngest out here and the most dominant. I’d be stupid not to try and hitch my wagon to his star. I am a former women’s basketball player. You’ve seen the WNBA. We are all gangally out there.”
“Thanks Rebecca, but I think it is a little too early to be thinking about that stuff. When we get to the merge I think is when we’ll have to start worrying about that. We just need to take care of our business out there and we’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
In his own confessional Tebow unveils his alliance. “I didn’t want to tell Becca but I’m already in an alliance. I’ve got the Holy Trinity on my side with God, His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That’s all I need.”

Meanwhile Chastain has joined May and Walsh and they decide to go and seek out Bruce Jenner to see if they can make it a foursome. The Femme Fatals need another member. Jenner is trying to find tree mail, but failing. Chastain spots him wondering around. “Bruce!” Brandi calls out. “Bruce!” Jenner pretends he knows where he is and struts over. “Ladies, how are we this morning. I was just on my way to see if we had any tree mail when you guys spotted me.”
“Tree mail is that way Bruce.” Walsh points in the opposite direction and Jenner turns a little red in the face. “Listen we are coming to you today to say, and you have to keep this to yourself, that we were thinking about seeing if you wanted to join up with us. The three of us.”
“Yeah,” May continues. “We are going to look out for each other in the challenges and what not and keep each other in the loop with any info we can gather in terms of the voting. If you want in, you’ve got an invitation.”
“Gosh ladies, I don’t know. It seems like you have a solid three and I’m just here as a fourth. I don’t think I’d have any power or any say in what goes on,” Bruce’s head is spinning as he lets his last sentence slip out.
“Bruce, we are saying that we will make the merge as a foursome, get to the final four, and from then on, it is really up to the individual. Look , we will use Tebow until it is time to throw him overboard and then our four will be ready to go.” Brandi tries to lock Bruce in. “If you aren’t in it to win it, we can go elsewhere, we just thought our crew could use the World’s Greatest athlete. If he’d rather try and do it on his own…well that’s never worked in this game.”
Bruce ponders it and then says he is in.
In Wumba camp, Amanda, Steve and Hogan are out looking for fish while Sergio is cooking beans back in camp. Patrick is poking at the fire, to Garcia’s dismay while Maria and TO are just chilling on the beach “looking for firewood.”
“Guys, I think we should have voted out Danica last night,” Hulk says as he wants to get into a strategy session.
“She’s a bitch, but she’ll help us more than Dom would have. She was just too weak,” Nash explains.
“Plus she is a floater in this game. Dom would have tried to latch onto us and when we needed to cut her off, I’d have felt bad about that,” Beard admits.
“You can’t feel bad about something like that,” Hogan counters. “You use them then lose them when their time is up. I know about that.”
Meanwhile TO and Maria are watching the Hulk/Beard/Nash team. “Could they BE any more obvious with their alliance?” Maria asks.
“That’s why we are playing it right, keeping Danica away from us until it is time to tell her who to vote for.” TO nods at his own idea.
“Do you think she’ll get too buddy-buddy with Sergio?”
“Are you kidding, did you hear what she said last night? Chicks a stupid bitch. Sergio won’t want to team up with her. Are you kidding?” TO is laughing at Maria. “Come on pretty lady, let’s get some wood to ‘look’ like we are working.”
Danica tries to talk to Sergio but he doesn’t really want anything to do with her.
In a confessional Sergio admits, “I think Nash/Hogan/Beard is pretty strong and the Beautiful people alliance of TO and Maria is potentially strong. I’m just a floater in this game and so is Danica. But I cannot STAND her. All she does is talk. Oh my gosh. You drive a race car. I DON’T CARE! We have NOTHING in common.”

The tribes head to the reward challenge where Jeff Probst welcomes everyone and invites the Chumba tribe to see the new Wumba tribe, missing Dominique. Chumba is surprised and a bit please that TO and Maria both stayed. Probst says explains the challenge, which is a strength competition, last member to maintain the weight added wins reward for their team. The twist is that a member from the losing tribe will be sent to Exile island. The winners get to pick who. “What to know what you’re playing for?” Probst asks. He show the Folgers prize of spices including coffee and tea and cocoa. Coffee mugs will also come with the spice rack. Pick three members to hold the bars, two men and one woman.
For Chumba, Tebow Jenner and Chastain are picked. For Wumba, TO Hulk and Danica are picked. The teams load the females up first. Then Tebow is targeted and TO. Finally Jenner and Hulk get weight. After keeping that cycle going for a while, Wumba switches it up and goes after Jenner. He flinches and drops the weigh. Chumba loads up on Danica and she stays strong. Chastain is next to go. Wumba has three while Chumba has just Tebow. Hogan is mocking Jenner while TO says nothing and Danica is struggling. Tebow calls out to load up on Hulk and let Danica teeter because she is about to go. No more weight needs to be added to hers as she is going to fall anyways. The Chumba tribe adds a sack to Hulk and one to TO and Danica finally falls. Tebow is nearly 240LBs the Survivor record. Hulk goes next and TO is left at 200 to Tebow’s 240. Tebow gets up to 300 when he starts to sway. TO, at 260 is excited that he laughs and in the process, a bag falls off and he is DQ’ed. Chumba wins and TO is pissed. “Put the bag back on! PUT IT BACK ON! I didn’t drop my bar!” Probst explains it doesn’t matter and TO is pissed. Chumba wins the rewards challenge and when it is time to pick who goes to Exile, Hulk pleads for TO to go, but Chumba picks Danica. “She needs a little relaxation. Maybe she’ll get a Sugar Shack.” Walsh explains.
Danica heads to Exile while Wumba heads to camp angry with TO. Chumba grabs the spice rack and go to camp.

Be sure to tune in to 790 The Zone Sunday from 10-12:30 for Score Atlanta Sunday. We will break down the college basketball action and talk a little Braves, GT and UGA. if OTP.

At exile, Danica reads a clue as she knows a hidden immunity idol is somewhere on the island. She ponders the clue and starts looking under trees with a Y shape after the clue simply said “whY ask whY?’
In Wumba camp, Hulk is furious with TO. “Brother you cost us the challenge because you had to start laughing and acting like a fool. You always screw up a good thing. He was about to drop the weight, but you had to hand them the win on a silver platter.”
“You think he was going to drop that? We are football players, real athletes. He could have held 360.”
“And you would have only been at 320. You’d have won us the rack, 2!” Hulk screams.
“Guys, we lost a spice rack. Who cares. Let’s just win the next immunity challenge. How about that?” Nash steps in and pushes Hogan back towards the water to save him from hitting TO.
“Why are you stopping him Steve? Afraid he’ll fake him me?”
“We’ve got to just step back for a second, big man. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of him,” Beard and Nash are both getting Hogan to cool down with a walk around the woods.
“That guy is a cancer. He needs to go!” Hulk quietly yells.
“That GUY almost won us the challenge,” Nash corrects. “I know he is a pain, but we need him right now. If we lose tomorrow, we can talk about it, but right now, we need him Hulk.”

At Chumba camp, Lobo is trying to cook rice with some cilantro and Avery asks WTF she is doing. “I’m trying to cook us some rice with one of our spices,” Lobo answers without looking at Avery.
“You are messing it up. AND we’ve already had our morning rice. That portion was for tonight. We only get two meals in a deal, not three. We portioned out the rice!” Avery shouts.
“OK, so we eat NOW instead of tonight,” Lobo counters.
“Oh, are you hungry right now? NO! You’ll be hungry tonight though. You are wasting the rice. Rice we will need. Good job you tall stupid girl. No wonder ESPN fired you. You are an idiot.” Lobo rises up with the last comment and stands over Avery.
“What, you want to fight?” Avery laughs. “Let’s go.” May and Walsh see what is happening and rush over. Jenner pulls Avery away. Ichiro looks over from his zen garden and wanders over. “Guys, we don’t need to fight. We eat rice now and maybe a little later, and tomorrow we don’t eat as much,” Jenner offers.
“Who made you leader of this tribe,” Avery spits. “Dude way to drop the bar first today. Good work. You taxed Tim to the point that he might be worthless in the immunity challenge.”
“No one made me leader, but I stepped up. Some one needs to put you in your place, and if that’s me, then so be it. I have friends here. You don’t. I suggest you get some in a hurry, otherwise you’ll be gone.”
“Oh, you are threatening me? Piss off!” Avery shakes free and starts away from the scene. “Go ahead and eat. I’m sure that rice is going to suck. An idiot made it!”
“You aren’t an idiot,” Jenner says, trying to comfort Lobo.
“Yeah Bruce. Thanks. But would I really take what HE said seriously?” Lobo asks sarcastically.
“You probably should have seen if we wanted to make rice now or later though Bec,” Chastain says condescendingly. “I know he was an ass, but he had a point. The rice has been rationed out.”
“Oh my freaking gosh. Sorry I wanted to make the tribe a nice meal. Don’t worry, I’ll never try and be nice again!”
In a confessional, Lobo is starting to cry. “I used to cook all of the time for my teammates and roommates in college. I know how to cook rice. I didn’t ask. My bad. I was trying to surprise them. Get over it.”

“Bruce, you’d got to be a bit more discreet about ‘having friends.’ Sean is a smart guy and might catch on. Not saying anyone would want to align with him, but you never know.” May finishes speaking and Jenner is nodding.
“You are right,” Bruce concedes. “I was just pissed at the petulant man-child.”
In confessional May and Walsh admit that Bruce might end up blowing this whole alliance. They may need to take him out if the situation arises.

Be sure to pick up a Score Atlanta this Wednesday at any one of 1300 locations in the Greater Atlanta area and flip to the back page. THIS GUY has the back cover story. That’s right….

At exile island we see Danica lying on the beach. “So I found the immunity idol. Wasn’t hard. I then went around and recovered all of my tracks and at the base of one of the Y trees, I put something that maybe an idiot would THINK is an idol. I picked that up from Bob from a few Survivor seasons back. Hopefully I can trick someone into thinking they have a fake idol while I have the real one.

The tribes head to the beach for the immunity challenge. Danica rejoins the Wumba tribe and Jeff explains that the teams will conduct a relay race back and forth with members carrying flags back and forth. The teams will need to carry a bag back and forth and one each side, take out a piece of a flag and race to the other side and take out a piece to build another flag. Two flags per team, one on each side of the beach. You can only remove one piece at a time and if you deem it incorrect it goes back in the bag and you race to the other side. First team to construct and raise both flags win immunity. Survivors ready….go. Ichiro is off first against TO. Nash then goes against Tebow, etc. At one point Ichiro and Jenner are trying to hand off and the both go down Hogan starts mocking Jenner once again. The Chumba team has the pieces out, but realize that one piece is wrong on each side. The Wumba team has one flag complete they think and are trying to figure out the second. Wumba DOES have the one flag, while Chumba pulls the wrong piece out and must go back. The Wumba team of Sergio, Maria and Hogan is having trouble putting the second flag together. Nash, Beard and TO are trying to help them from across the beach but they cannot come across. Chumba finally gets the correct pieces on the correct sides and they begin to construct. The one flag is complete, then the second flag is complete for Chumba and then Wumba finishes their flag. It is a race to see who gets to the top first and it is……..CHUMBA! Chumba wins immunity and for the second time, Wumba will go to Tribal council.
Wumba returns to camp with some decisions to make.

Be sure to visit on Monday to get Fletcher’s official picks for the NCAA big dance bracket. Not that it matters because Roomie will beat him anyways.

In Wumba camp, Danica reveals to TO and Maria, her secret alliance that she has the immunity idol. She doesn’t let slip though that there is a fake idol hidden on the island. In front of the group, Sergio asks about exile island and Danica says that from the clue she thinks there might be TWO idols, but the clue was simply, “On the land and not out at sea….” “Thanks, so that means ON THE BEACH AND NOT IN THE WATER. Thanks Survivor!” Nash laughs at Danica’s joke. Hogan and Beard are talking off to the side and Hogan is petitioning for TO to go. “Well Hulk, TO put our flag together and no one ran harder than TO. I would think maybe Sergio. He is a floater and could be dangerous.”
“No, I say one of the beautiful people. Either TO or Maria.”
Nash has joined him and he agrees with Amanda that they KNOW that TO and Maria are a team. He’d rather fight the enemy that he knows opposed to the one he doesn’t. They should take out either Danica or Sergio.
“But what if Danica has the idol?” Hulk asks.
“You think she might have it?” Beard questions Hogan.
“Like she wouldn’t have lied back there,” Hogan responds.
“Well then the second vote-getter would be sent home. Maybe one of us if we all went Danica and the BPs went with one of us,” Nash deduces.

TO, Maria and Danica all decide that Hogan is the target. “Too slow, Brother. Plus he’s fake,” TO explains in a confessional.
Nash tries to get Sergio’s read and where his head is. He also tries to talk to Danica. Both give vague answers. Danica tells Nash that either Hulk or Sergio should probably go. Hulk because of age, Sergio because she doesn’t like him. Sergio admits that Hogan was his choice, but he doesn’t like Danica that much. And he thinks. Nash and Sergio talk for a while. “Tribal council is going to be fun!” Nash says to Sergio.

In tribal council, Probst asks Danica how exile island was. Hogan then is asked about his feud with Jenner. TO is asked about his costing the team the reward. Nash steps up first though and says that TO has worked hard and it was only a spice rack. “So you are defending TO, Steve?” Probst asks. “TO works hard,” Beard interjects on Nash’s behalf. “He steps up in challenges and shows ME at least that he wants to be here.”
“That true TO?” Jeff asks point blank.
“I do want to be here. I might rub people the wrong way,” TO laughs, “but I come to play baby. You can’t say that about everybody.”
Let’s vote!
Danica votes first and tallies a vote for Hulk. Beard is next and doesn’t show her vote but says, “we will be MUCH better off without you. Sorry.”
Nash admits that this is hard, but he’s talked it over with most everyone and it just has to happen. “I hope you’ll forgive me.” TO is next and votes for Hulk. “You’re old dude. Sorry.”
“I’ll tally the votes,” Jeff says when everyone is done voting.
“When I read the votes, the survivor eliminated will leave tribal council immediately.
First vote: Hulk. Second vote: Hulk. Third vote: Hulk. Three votes for Hulk. Fourth vote: Maria. Three Hulk, one Maria, one more and Hulk is voted off. Fifth vote: Maria. Sixth vote: Maria. That’s three for Hulk and three for Maria. We haven’t seen Sergio’s vote yet. His handwriting would be recognized from last week’s show. “Second person voted off Survivor: Cuba…..Maria.”
TO and Danica are shocked. Nash got Sergio to vote off Maria over Hulk.
“Tribe has spoke,” says Jeff as he extinguishes her torch. “as for the rest of you, grab your torches and head back to camp.”

On the next Survivor: Cuba.
TO and Danica continue to be teammates without the other tribes mates catching on. Sergio and Nash are becoming buds, to the dismay of Hulk and Amanda. The Chumba tribe sends two members to the Wumba tribe to raid for goodies and under the cover of night the Wumba tribe raids Chumba. Finally Tebow is show smacking the sand and promising while crying to compete the hardest any survivor has every competed.

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