Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Glad to see her own show hasn't changed her!

Yep, Twitney is still the same old Twitney. I am glad her FINALLY stepping out of LC's shadow hasn't changed her. Whew! I was a little worried.
It seems the writers have kept Whit just as clueless and didn't want to change her or have her semi-evolve to a person capable of recognizing a bad situation and running.
When Jay was having his talk with Whitney last night on The City, I am glad that Whitney held her ground about how their relationship was unfolding. She certainly didn't back down on her stance.....wait. She DID back down.
But at least she was smart enough to look around and not take the first aparrment that came along....wait. She DID do that, and Jay certainly didn't pressure her into it....wait, she was TOTALLY PRESSURED into it.

As for Olivia, hey girl, are you THAT up on yourself? Or are you doing everything you are bragging about to Nevan (dumb name but COOL GUY! HE GOT A TICKET FOR SPITTING!) and MTV is just cutting it out. Wait, MTV doesn't cut it out because it is all scripted. Nevermind.

Oh, and I didn't catch much of Bromance as I was trying (and failing) to hang curtains for Wifey. (On a side note, I SWEAR those pencil markings were moving. THAT'S why the curtains aren't level.) But what I did see was that Brody has his next two cuts already made for him. Chris P got cut last night (interesting, but he did Plaxico himself last night with the whole, "I think LC is hot!" comment). Lil Chris goes next week (really? that guy is going to be Brody's friend?), then FEMI gets the boot the following week. They guy is drama city. Craziness. Is he a tiger?
I thought all of that was funny. Dude, your name is Femi, and you claim to be a full totem pole of animals. You cannot get angry when people make fun of your asinine statements. JUST SAYING! And when you bark or whatever you did to get them to stop, that would make me want to make fun of you even more. "Oh, you're a dog now?" Wild!
Can't wait for the Ikki twins tonight.

Oh and I guess I should say that the end of the Texas/Duh Ohio State game was exciting. And it was. Too bad the first 54 minutes sucked. Colt McCoy should be the heisman trophy winner next year (unless Tebow wins it for career achievement, which is possible.) Texas v USC or Florida next year for the BCS, it should be fun to watch. Hey, maybe even OU gets into the mix. But we can ALL be sure of one thing...UGA is nowhere near the title game picture. But maybe the Sugar Bowl. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
Back to the Fiesta Bowl, I thought Texas would lay that smack down a little more than they did, and as for Quan Cosby or whatever his name is:WHY DID YOU SHOWBOAT LIKE THAT? What if your selfishness had caused tOSU to run the kickoff back (your team had to kick it from your own 15 because of your foolishness) and gotten the game tying FG or even the GWTD? Then who'd feel like an ass? Well I doubt you would have because you certainly didn't seem too upset on the sidelines right after it happened.
Bottom line, I hate it when the players do that. I hated it when Tony Taylor did it v GT in 2006, same with Tra Battle v Auburn in 2006. Don't show the other team up. Just go find your QB or blockers and give them a hug. Hand the ball to the ref. Act like you've been there before and you'll be going there again. Barry Sanders-like. I am glad Texas won (rather duh Ohio State lost), but if UT had lost because of that bonehead, I wouldn't have been that upset.

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