Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Midweek Entertainment report 1/28/09

New pitchmen ready for Super Bowl, Michael Jackson the musical?, TO and publicist get a TV show, Ugly Betty going away and Portia dies off to appear on another show...

Ladies and gentlemen, the midweek entertainment report!


Coming soon to a musical theater near you....THRILLER: The Musical! Some crackerjack has decided to expand the Thriller music video into a full length show and is trying to get Michael Jackson involved. (I am not sure how much success he will have once MJ figures out that a grip boy isn't what he thinks it is....) But really though? Zombies and a teenager turning into a werewolf? Can we include all MJ videos? Maybe a good knife fight right before intermission. Maybe a random trip to Egypt for good measure...

I saw where TO is getting his own reality show on VH1 and his publicist is coming along for the ride. Remember this chick? She was the one after TO's suicide attempt tried to spin that Mr. O had "24 million reasons to not kill himself." She should really be the main character because I want to know how someone so FREAKING STOOPID could get a job with a multimillionaire like that. Wait, unless she had sex with TO and then threatened to keep the baby unless she gave him a job. I hope the show goes into that story line.

At first I was a little freaked out by them, but now they have grown on me to the point that now I enjoy the commercials. The new Geico pitchman is NOT a caveman, nor a lizard or a famous D-list celebrity. Nope, it is a stack of bills with eyeballs that doesn't say a word. And I think they are great. I like the song. I like the "shark at the door" feel to the money. Good stuff. Geico's people are very creative. That's why I am insured with them. (wait, no it is because they are the cheapest. Nevermind). One marketing department though that has switched it up that I have to roll my eyes at is Pepsi. If you haven't noticed the new logo, just look at 84% of cars on the highway in . The ones with the Obama magnets, because Pepsi just copied that. And does anyone else think that all of the Obama stuff (plates, shirts, posters) is just taking advantage of a certain portion of the population? I feel really bad saying that, but I think there are people out there (living out the American dream, sure) but just taking advantage of others? No, just me?

ABC is apparently shelving Ugly Betty for a while and running Samantha Who and another new show in its place for a few months. That's a shame. It also likely means that the America chick will try and film Traveling Pants 3 which will lead to Wifey, Poon and Roomie to dress up as the characters and go see that movie in the theater then try and say they aren't trekkies....

I watched Nip/Tuck last night as well as A Double Shot at Love on mute. Nip/Tuck was crazy as a chick took out the old electric turkey carver and cut her boob off. Yeouch. Somehow she survived and Christian removed her other breastistis because she was afraid she would get breast cancer. Also we see where Portia de Rossi gets killed off, presumably so she can go star on that new ABC pilot. it is about time. The entire Julia is a lezbinen angle was dumb. (Kind of along the lines of Ryan Atwood is a cagefighter. Not quite Oliver level, but still pretty far down there...) We also see that Liz and Christian decide to have a relationship and a few seasons ago I'd ask Christian why, but Liz has lost some LBs and looks pretty slim. Good for her....
Someone or ones that DON'T look good in the morning, The ikki twins. The two took Rebekha and Scotty and Trevor to Vegas (I guess the ikki twins couldn't leave the country for Mexico?) and we see the twins at the morning-after breakfasts and they DO. NOT. LOOK. GOOD. Makeup girls. Tila looked alright the morning after, but she actually threw a little makeup on. Rikki and Vikki both looked like what came out after a cat ate dog poop them threw up all over a dirty baby diaper. Twins, please, WARN me next time. I nearly choked on my black cherry jell-o. But after not remembering any of Rebekha's date, I saw where Scotty fell alseep on his date (or passed out drunk, one or the other)after the girls performed on a stripper pole (SPOILER: THIS IS YOUR FUTURE GIRLS!) and then Trevor told both girls that he loved them. (Well he told Vikki that he NEVER wanted to leave her, then he left her to go tell Rikki that he loved her.) Rikki kicked T-Rev out RIGHT AFTER he said it. Nice. Vikki wouldn't have done that. Scotty was kicked off and You can see that Rikki is going after Trevor and Vikki will get stuck with Rebekha. Can't wait for THAT show to end. But I have to watch. I can't just NOT watch the finale. But it will be on mute.

Lie to Me is on tonight and we get to see more of "THE REAL SIDE of New York" tonight. Nice. Tomorrow, episode two of RW:The ATL.
Have a great one everybody!

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