Monday, January 26, 2009

What's your excuse now Damon?


Sadly, it wasn't Georgia's Dennis Felton. Nope, he is still employed, but Alabama's Mark Gottfried stepped down about an hour ago. His top assistant will take over for the rest of the season while Alabama looks for a new coach. The worst part about this...Bama has the inside edge for the next big mid-major coach like the guy from Butler or Dayton (if you believe Mark Bradley).

There used to be a rule that you cannot get rid of a coach in the middle of the season. Well Bama thumbed its nose at that rule. Now I DEMAND UGA do the same! Dennis can go, he won't be the first one fired this season, but let's hope he DOES get the boot. And please Damon, DON'T say that you think he should get one more year to get Dustin Ware really going. I poohpooh that idea. This team wouldn't be so YOUNG if Felton hadn't kicked Billy Humphrey and Mike Mercer off the team. And I think Taikais Brown would have been a senior this season if I remember correctly. If you are keeping track, Mercer at point, Humphrey at 2, Wood at 3, Thompkins at 4 and Brown at 5. Pretty good team, especially in this VERY weak SEC.

But Felton made sure THAT didn't happen. Oh well. we are stuck with Ricky McPhee getting 16 second half minutes.

Fire him! You CAN now. Bama let you! They look like the bad guy, NOT YOU! Come on Damon. DO IT!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Georgia Basketball people are not unlike Tech people (ahem David Brain) attempting to justify the poor track record of a particular coach. Winning is what gets people into the seats not begging not marketing. Recruiting talented players that fit your program is what leads to wins. Dennis Felton has had 5.5 years to turn the program around. Good coaches take what is left of a program in "shambles" and make it work for them (Houston Nutt) Dennis Felton has proven that he is simply not the man to lead Georgia Basketball to a winning tradition.

College Basketball is a business. You are not simply "growing young men", you are REPRESENTING a university brand. UGA has everything they need to win in basketball with the right coach they simply have the wrong man for the job.