Thursday, January 29, 2009

Real World Mulligans MTV wishes it had...

As I watched last night's Real World Brooklyn episode, I am guessing that MTV wishes they had a couple of mulligans when it comes to Sarah and Devyn. Not only does Devyn get out-sung by a she/he, (oh, but I forgot, she hadn't practiced or warmed up. NO amount of warming up would have helped you sing that crap), but she goes on to say how what JD did was "dismeaning." WHAT? you mean demeaning? Golly. And PS, Devyn, way to show up late for your audition. Good work there. PS, you sucked. When you were singing the national anthem, I wanted to emigrate to Canada. You were horrible. (I also thought it was funny when one of the roommates asked about the audition, you said, "Well we didn't have much time. Casting directors are really busy." Well when you show up 35 minutes late for a 45 minute audition, they can get testy....)

I am also guessing that MTV wishes it could have a do-over on Sarah. She had built up in her head that her Dad sexually abused her. There is nothing funny about that, but if we are going by her story of when he "sexually abused her" it was when the two of them went camping when Sarah was a teenager and the father only brought one sleeping bag. YOU'RE A TEENAGER! PACK ONE YOURSELF! If that was it, she is crazy. I am sure there is other stuff, in which case I will stop making fun of her, but if that is IT...come on.

And not that MTV wants a mulligan on JD (in fact, you always need the token drunk guy that goes crazy) but we have watched three episodes and in each, he has gotten drunk and made an ass of himself, with the she/he and making fun, then with mocking the mexican behind the counter.

But I don't think MTV should take a mulligan on that one. Every season there are roommates that you hate, but without this person, the show would be crap. They are needed, even though you hate them, because without them, NOTHING HAPPENS. Brooke from Denver is an example. Same with Amaya from Hawaii and Montana from Boston.

But I put together a little list of the top ten (in my opinion) of the mulligan-worthy housemates. If MTV could do it over, they'd probably leave them out because they offered NOTHING and in fact took AWAY from the show.

10. Sarah from Brooklyn. sexually abused because she forgot her sleeping bag?and we're not done yet. She could move up the list.

09. Matt from Hawaii. He got Ruthie committed and then fell in love with her IDENTIAL TWIN!

08. Lacey from Austin. Or Pastey as I call her. Hated her, plain and simple. I kept expecting her boyfriend to get out of his wheelchair and RUN away from her.

07. Parisa from Syndey. She caused drama by being an idiot. She loved Dunbar and got KelliAnne to spit at her after she kicked Trisha out of the house despite EVERYONE ELSE wanting her to stay. Parisa should have left. Waste of space.

06. Brianna from Hollywood. She was a stripper from a trailer in Philly. She kept having to fly back to go to court because she hit her abusive boyfriend. She missed when Johnny left the show. She had an audition, but smoked and got hammered the night before. Pretyboy offered the Drama and this chick was just a moron.

05. Melissa from Nawlins. She was offended by a southern tourguide that you could TELL was a racist by just looking at him. And she tried to play the race card for being BOTH black AND Filipino. And she kept chasing Jamie when he CLEARLY wasn't interested. Whenever she used to appear on the RWRR Challenges, I always wanted her to get voted out first.

04. Colie from Denver. Did she like Alex? Only when she was drunk? Wait, she had mono? She wasn't into one night stands, but she randomly hooked up with the Ropes course guy, got him fired, then dumped him? Her constant "I'm sick" moping bothered me. I loved it when her friend Jen (Whom she had known for all of 4 days when she decided she'd be in her wedding) stabbed her in the back at the Inferno challenge. LOVED IT! You still gonna put her in your wedding?

03. Devyn from Brooklyn. She has made QUITE the good first impression, huh? Whether it is her need to make BFF charts or making up works (dismeaning) or being late for an audition or being SO transparent with her cousin (and likely ruining the cousin's good name with the casting director) or SUCKING at singing and acting, she is fast becoming the WORST Real World roommate EVER!

02. Janelle from Key West. Her work in personal relations aside (think about it) she was such a sh!thead on her own season,(she almost got Johnny Bananas sent home!) she successfully ruined Real World Hollywood. Well not really, the cast of that show did, but she didn't help Will out.

01. Julie from Nawlins. If the show could have ONLY ONE MULLIGAN, I am CERTAIN they'd send Julie packing. She liked a guy from Tech. She was a mormon-virgin who added nothing to the show and she ruined several RW/RR Challenge seasons. I don't want to type anything more about her.


Unknown said...

Roomie! There are so many better mulligans than the entire cast of London, Boston and the 2nd NY. That midget Joe from Miami....David from Nawlins...Corey (girl) from SF...John from LA...

Anonymous said...

for the record, I haven't seen all of the seasons. I never saw NY1, LA, London, Paris, Philly, Las Vegas, San Diego, Chicago, or Miami.

My bad.