Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mid-week entertaiment report

A Hogan wants to see other Hulkamaniacs, Ed are you losing your house? and MTV Movie award fixed?
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Midweek Entertainment report!

So I saw where a judge denied Nick "Hogan's" bid to end his solitary confinement that was causing him "unbearable anxiety." Poor dude. You would think PRISON would be more accommodating. The prison WAS after all trying to protect him since he is just 17 and they didn't want him being the target of numerous Sistah attacks ala Andy Dufranse (spelling) attacks. While I don't think that he deserved to go to prison because one of his passengers forgot to wear a seat belt, but dude, you are in prison. And you wanted to be allowed to stay out of jail with just an ankle bracelet until you turn 18? That's a little much. Just saying. Plus if anyone messes you, was your dad going to fake beat them up? Come on.

I saw where Ed McMahon is fighting to avoid foreclosure on his multimillion-dollar Beverly Hills home. Yep the YOU ARE CORRECT SIR guy who also give away the big checks for the Publisher's clearing house. Now, I met this guy at a blockbuster in Virginia. Seemed like a nice guy. You would have just thought he would have swiped one of those checks in order to pay off his house. Oh well.

Lastly, I didn't have a problem with Johnny Depp winning the MTV movie award for "Best Villain" for the Barber movie. No problem. The problem I had was his winning for best comedic performance over the Kids from Superbad and Seth from Knocked Up. REALLY? And the way he came out from a secret backstage entrance BOTH TIMES? He wasn't even good enough to sit out in the crowd with the plebeians? It was rigged and the ONLY way he was showing up was if he won. I bet that is what his people said. Just one dude's opinion. For the Record!

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